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This macromolecule is a protein.

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Q: What type organic macro-molecule is form polymerization reaction between amino acids?
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What type organic macro molecule is form polymerization reaction between amino acids?

This macromolecule is a protein.

What name is given to large organic molecules that are found in organisms?

Macromolecule from biological polymerization can be called Bio-polymers.

Which organic reaction produces rubber and plastics?

The polymerization reaction produces rubber and plastics from organic molecules. In this reaction, monomers join together to form long chains of repeating units, creating the polymer structure of rubber and plastics.

How are monomers of organic compounds joined to form the macromolecules?

Monomers group together to form a macromolecule during a process known as polymerization. During this process the indivudual monomers give off a gas which enables them to form a macromolecule.

What bond forms between units of a macromolecule?

Organic macromolecules have covalent bonds.

What type of organic macromolecule is formed by polymerition reactions between animo acids?

A carboxyl

What kind of organic macromolecule is an enzyme?

It is a protein.

Which organic macromolecule is used long term energy storage in animals?

The organic macromolecule used for the long term energy storage in animals is triglyceride.

Fat is a type of?

Lipid, a macromolecule and an organic compound.

What chemical reaction formed these large molecules?

Large molecules are typically formed through a process of polymerization, which involves the linking together of smaller molecules called monomers through chemical reactions like condensation or addition reactions. These reactions create strong covalent bonds between the monomers, leading to the formation of polymers with higher molecular weight.

What type of organic macromolecules is formed by polymerization reactions between amino?

Amino acids are monomers of proteins. So they build up proteins

What organic compound can be joined by polymerization to form proteins?

amino acids