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Q: What type of these is a vent through which gas ash and magma erupt?
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What is a vent called through which gas and ash and magma erupt onto the earth's surface?

A vent through which gas, ash, and magma erupt onto Earth's surface is called a volcano.

What are the steps a volcano has to go through to erupt?

1. Pressure in the magma chamber begins to build up. 2. The pressure forces the magma to go up through the vent. 3. Then it will erupt

What two types of openings does magma erupt from a volcano?

Magma can erupt from a volcano through either a central vent or a fissure. A central vent is a single opening at the summit of a volcano, while a fissure is a long crack in the Earth's surface from which lava can flow.

What is A vent at the earths surface through which magma and gasses erupt called?

This describes a volcano.

Is a crater pipe the same as a vent?

No, a crater pipe and a vent are not the same. A crater pipe is a conduit that connects a magma chamber to the surface, allowing magma to erupt onto the surface. A vent is the opening at the surface through which volcanic material is erupted.

What surges to the Earth's surface and can erupt through a vent in the earth's crust?

Magma surges to the Earth's surface and can erupt through a vent in the Earth's crust. This process leads to volcanic eruptions and the formation of features like volcanoes and lava flows.

How does magma leave a volcano?

Magma leaves a volcano through an opening called a vent. The pressure from the buildup of magma inside the volcano forces it to erupt out through the vent, often resulting in volcanic explosions and lava flows.

When does an active volcano erupt?

An active volcano erupts when there is an accumulation of magma beneath the surface that builds up pressure and eventually forces its way out through the volcano's vent. Factors such as the composition of the magma, tectonic activity, and gas content can influence the frequency and intensity of eruptions.

How does magma get pushed through a vent?

Magma gets pushed through a vent due to the build-up of pressure beneath the Earth's surface. As the magma rises, it creates fractures in the rocks above, eventually reaching the surface through the vent. This process is driven by the buoyancy of the magma and the force of gas expansion within it.

Openings through which magma flows out of the earth's surface?

a volcanic vent

A volcano erupt when molden rock flows through a central opening which is called?

A volcano erupts when molten rock, known as magma, flows through a central opening in the Earth's crust called a vent. This release of magma, gases, and ash can result in a volcanic eruption.

What is the difforents from a vocano and a mountain?

A volcano is a specific type of mountain that has a vent through which magma, ash, and gases erupt. Not all mountains have volcanic activity, while all volcanoes are mountains with volcanic activity.