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Waldo Mayer

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2y ago
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3mo ago

The subatomic particle used to define an element is the proton. Protons have a positive charge and their number in the nucleus determines the atomic number of an element. This is important because the atomic number determines the element's unique identity and properties.

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15y ago

You can define anelement by the number of its protons and neutrons and itselectron configuration.

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10y ago

This particle is the proton, equal to the atomic number.

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11y ago

The number of protons determines the element.

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Q: Identify the subatomic particle used to define an element and explain why this particle is used.?
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Which subatomic particle is present in the nucleus of an atom?

The atomic particles that make up an alpha are two protons and two neutrons. The subatomic particles are contained within the neutrons & protons and there are too many to list here, plus I don't know all of them.

Which two subatomic particles make up most of the atoms mass?

It is usually considered to be neutrons and protons that hold most of an atom's mass, however there is one theoretical subatomic particle that is used to help explain mass, called the higgs boson particle.

Subatomic particles in chemical reactions?

Subatomic particles such as protons and electrons play a crucial role in chemical reactions. For example, protons determine the identity of an element, while electrons are involved in forming chemical bonds between atoms, leading to the creation of compounds. Understanding the behavior of these particles helps explain the fundamental principles of chemistry.

Explain the difference between the continuous spectrum of white light and the atomic emission spectrum of an element?

White light has a continuous spectrum with all wavelengths of light present, while the atomic emission spectrum of an element consists of specific wavelengths corresponding to the energy levels of the element's electrons. The emission spectrum is unique to each element and can be used to identify the element present.

Which is larger a atom or a element explain?

An element is larger than an atom. An atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the properties of that element, while an element consists of multiple atoms bonded together to form a substance with unique chemical properties.

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What is an example of a subatomic particle explain?

An example of a subatomic particle is an electron. Electrons are negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom. They play a key role in various chemical reactions and electrical conductivity.

Which subatomic particle is present in the nucleus of an atom?

The atomic particles that make up an alpha are two protons and two neutrons. The subatomic particles are contained within the neutrons & protons and there are too many to list here, plus I don't know all of them.

Identify two problems with your model of the atom?

One problem is that the classical model of the atom fails to explain the stability of the electron orbits around the nucleus, as predicted by classical electromagnetism. Another problem is that it does not account for the wave-particle duality of electrons and other subatomic particles, which is described by quantum mechanics.

How do you explain an atom?

atom is the smallest particle of matter

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atom is the smallest particle of matter

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Which two subatomic particles make up most of the atoms mass?

It is usually considered to be neutrons and protons that hold most of an atom's mass, however there is one theoretical subatomic particle that is used to help explain mass, called the higgs boson particle.