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Q: What type of stress response is activated during emergencies or in a milder form at a time when pressures on but their is no actual danger?
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What establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the US to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attack major disasters and other emergiencies by requiring a nation?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the US to prevent and respond to domestic terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies through the implementation of the National Response Framework and National Incident Management System. These frameworks guide coordinated responses and enhance collaboration among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to ensure effective preparedness and response efforts.

What is the premotor phase of reaction time?

The premotor phase of reaction time involves perceiving a stimulus and preparing a response. During this phase, the brain processes information from the environment and plans the motor action required to respond to the stimulus. This phase occurs before the actual execution of the motor response.

What role does the brain play in a reflex response?

The brain initiates a reflex response by sending signals down the spinal cord to the specific muscle or organ involved. However, the actual reflex action occurs at the level of the spinal cord, without the need for input from the brain. This allows for a quicker and more automatic response to potentially harmful stimuli.

What is it called when a substance is a solid and liquid?

There is no actual name for a solid and liquid. An item can be a solid and liquid, but that is only under different pressures. For instance: The iron that makes up the Earths core is a solid, but that same material that is found in the Earths upper mantel is a liquid. This is because of the pressure differences

What is the noun of actual?

The noun form of "actual" is "actuality."

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How does the TB vaccin?

All vaccinations work on the same principle. By injecting into the body a material which is chemically similar to a given disease organism (such as the tuberculosis baccilus) the immune system is activated, and will prepare an immune response to that disease before the actual disease organism ever enters the body. Therefore there is a faster and more effective immune response if the disease is ever actually encountered.

How should you start safe in an emergency situation?

A. Recognize the importance of planning your emergency response before there is an actual emergency. B. Understand the types of emergencies that could occur. C. Familiarize yourself with your surroundings and thinking about what you would do in an emergency. D. Know your employer's Emergency Action Plan (EAP).

When the reported data is different from the actual data there is a?

response error.

When the reported data is different from actual data there is a?

response error.

What establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the US to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attack major disasters and other emergiencies by requiring a nation?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the US to prevent and respond to domestic terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies through the implementation of the National Response Framework and National Incident Management System. These frameworks guide coordinated responses and enhance collaboration among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to ensure effective preparedness and response efforts.

The US Department of Homeland Security DHS has considered releasing what device that can be remotely activated to stun the wearer?

safety anklet safety bracelet is the actual answer

Who directs planning to prepare and employ American military power in response to actual and potential contingencies?

The President and the Secretary of Defense point the direction, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff do the actual work

Who directs operations planning to prepare and employ American military power in response to actual and potential?

The President and the Secretary of Defense point the direction, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff do the actual work

What is the term called when you answer a rhetorical question?

The term for answering a rhetorical question is "rhetorical assertion" or "rhetorical answer." It is used to make a point or emphasize a statement without expecting an actual response.

Who directs operational planning to prepare and employ American military power in response to actual and potential contingencies?

The President and the Secretary of Defense point the direction, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff do the actual work

Who direct operation planning to prepare and employ American military power in response to actual and potential contingencies?

The President and the Secretary of Defense point the direction, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff do the actual work

Who is the director of the Christian Reformed Church's disaster response efforts?

John Terpstra is the president of the Christian Reformed Church. The disaster response efforts directors are all part of the board of directors for the actual CRC.