Sadatoni, also known as Zeta Aurigae, is a binary star . So, one star is a bright giant or a supergiant. It's companion is a main-sequence star.
Beta and Alpha Herculis are both 2nd Magnitude (2.78) stars
The magnitude of the star Beta Herculis, also known as Kornephoros, is approximately 2.81, making it visible to the naked eye in dark skies. It is a binary star system composed of two stars that orbit each other.
Zeta is a number - it is not the whole star name. Each constellation has a Zeta. What's the rest of the star name (it will look very similar to the constellation name but probably ends with the letter "i")?
Zeta Draconis is a binary star system where one of the stars, Zeta Draconis A, has a luminosity around 14 times that of the sun.
red star
It is a G-type giant star.
Zeta Herculis (Rutilicus) is a binary star system in the constellation Hercules.It is the second brightest star in the constellation with an apparent magnitude of +2.89
Delta Herculis (Sarin) is a star in the constellation Hercules.It is a type A3V star and will have a temperature of between7,500oK and 10,000oK
The main stars in the Hercules constellation include Alpha Herculis (Rasalgethi), Beta Herculis (Kornephoros), Delta Herculis (Sarin), and Zeta Herculis (Heze). These stars are among the brightest in the constellation and help in forming the shape associated with the mythical hero Hercules.
Zeta Phe is a blue-white main sequence star that is approximately 610 light-years away from Earth. It is a subgiant star with a spectral type of B7 IV.
Beta Herculis is actually a binary system. The main star, of the two, is yellow.
Zeta Draconis is a yellow giant star located in the constellation of Draco. It is a spectral type G7III star, which means it is a massive star that has evolved beyond its main sequence stage.
Zeta Pegasi is a B-type main sequence star, also known as a B dwarf star. It is a hot, blue-white star located in the constellation Pegasus.
Some major stars in the constellation Hercules include Rasalgethi (Alpha Herculis), Kornephoros (Beta Herculis), and Sarin (Delta Herculis). These stars are some of the brightest and most well-known in the constellation.
It is called Herculis
This star is also known as Beta Herculis, so it is obviously in constellation Hercules.