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Q: What type of star has a low temperature buts high luminosity?
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How do size temperature and distance affect a star's magnitude or luminousity?

A star's real luminosity is proportional to the the square of its diameter, and more or less proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. The star's apparent luminosity is proportional to its real luminosity. It is also inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

How do astronomers use luminosity?

Astronomers use luminosity to measure the total amount of energy a star emits in all directions. By knowing a star's luminosity, astronomers can calculate its distance, size, and temperature. Luminosity helps astronomers understand the life cycle of stars and their evolution.

How does luminosity affect the CHZ?

Luminosity affects the habitable zone (CHZ) by determining the distance at which a planet would need to be from a star to have the right temperature for liquid water to exist on its surface. Stars with higher luminosity would have habitable zones farther out, while stars with lower luminosity would have habitable zones closer in. This means that the size and location of the CHZ around a star depend on its luminosity.

What determines all the star's properties such as its temperature size brightness or luminosity and life span?

It's Mass

What luminosity of a star is related to its?

The luminosity of a star is related to its surface temperature and size. Hotter stars with larger surface areas tend to have higher luminosities, while cooler stars with smaller surface areas have lower luminosities.

Related questions

What type of star has a high temperature and a high luminosity in the hr diagram?

White dwarfs.

What type of star has a high temperature and high luminosity in the HR diagram?

White dwarfs.

What type of star has a high temperature and low luminosity in the HR diagram?

A blue dwarf star would have high temperature and low luminosity in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram. Blue dwarf stars are in the lower left corner of the diagram, characterized by their high surface temperature and faint luminosity compared to other stars of similar temperature.

If a star has a large luminosity and also a low surface temperature then it must have?

If a star has a large luminosity and a low surface temperature, it must have a large surface area to compensate for the low temperature and still emit a high amount of energy. This would make the star a red supergiant, a type of star that is both luminous and cool at the same time.

What type of star has a high temperature and high luminosity?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

What types of star has high temperature and high luminosity?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

What type of star has a high temperature and a high luminosity?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

What are super giants?

it is a very large star of high luminosity and low surface temperature.....=)))))

What are the factors that affect the luminosity of the star?

Its size and temperature.

What type of star has low temperature and high luminosity?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

What two characteristics are stars classified by?

They are classified by the amount of Light they give off, and their temperature.

How do size temperature and distance affect a star's magnitude or luminousity?

A star's real luminosity is proportional to the the square of its diameter, and more or less proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. The star's apparent luminosity is proportional to its real luminosity. It is also inversely proportional to the square of the distance.