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Q: What type of rocks are produced from other types of rocks under high temperature and amp pressure?
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Which type of rocks are produced by changing other rocks with high temperature and pressures underground?

Metamorphic rocks are produced by changing other rocks with temperature and pressure underground.

Which type of rocks are produced by changing other rocks with high temperature and pressure underground?

Metamorphic rocks are produced when other rocks are subjected to high temperature and pressure underground. This process causes their mineral composition, texture, and structure to change, resulting in the formation of metamorphic rocks like marble, slate, and schist.

Which type of rocks are produced from other types of rocks under high temperature and pressure?

Metamorphic rocks are formed from other types of rocks under high temperature and pressure. Examples of metamorphic rocks include marble, slate, and schist.

Which type of rocked are produced from other types of rocks under high temperature and pressure?


Which type of rocks are produced from other type of rocks under high temperature and pressure?

Metamorphic rocks are produced from other types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, or existing metamorphic rocks) under high temperature and pressure conditions. The existing rocks undergo changes in mineral composition and texture without melting. Examples of metamorphic rocks include marble, schist, and gneiss.

How are igneous rocks changed to metamorphic rocks?

By high pressure and temperature

What kind of rock is produced at great depths?

Rocks produced at great depths are typically metamorphic or igneous rocks. Metamorphic rocks form from existing rocks that undergo changes in temperature and pressure, while igneous rocks form from the cooling and solidification of molten material. These processes occur deep within the Earth's crust or mantle.

What rocks are formed by the effect of heat and pressure on other rocks?

the metamorphic rocks are formed by heat and extreme pressure from other rocks

Which two factors affect the temperature that rocks melt at?

The two main factors that affect the temperature at which rocks melt are the composition of the rock and the pressure acting on it. Different minerals have different melting points, so the composition of the rock will determine its melting temperature. Additionally, pressure can increase or decrease the melting temperature of rocks, with higher pressure generally increasing melting temperature and lower pressure decreasing it.

High pressure and high temperature cause rocks to?

High pressure and high temperature cause rocks to undergo metamorphism, where they are subjected to changes in mineral composition, texture, and structure. This process can result in the formation of new minerals and the reorganization of existing ones, leading to the development of metamorphic rocks.

What things have to increase from metamorphic rocks for it to form?

Temperature and Pressure.

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