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Q: What type of rock is most likely to form at a tarnsform boundary?
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What type of rock is most likely to form a transform boundary?

Metamorphic rock

Where is a subductions zone most likely to form?

At a convergent boundary.

At which type of plate boundary would a string of small volcanic islands most likely form?

Convergent Boundary meaning COLLISION! Oceanic-Oceanic which formed volcanic islands!

What plate boundary is a volcano most likely to form at?

A volcano is most likely to form at a convergent plate boundary, where two tectonic plates collide, forcing one plate to subduct beneath the other. The subducted plate melts and rises to the surface, forming a volcano.

Where is most likely to occur?

At a convergent boundary.

What type of plate boundary is most likely found in the Atlantic Ocean?

Divergent Boundary

When are mountains most likely to form at convergent boundary?

When two continental plates collide or a continental plate collides with an oceanic plate.

Is Nile most likely a glacial boundary river?


What is most likely to occur as a result of two tectonic plates sliding past each other horizontally?

A transform boundary is most likely to form, where the plates slide horizontally past each other. This movement may result in earthquakes due to friction and stress buildup along the boundary.

How did the earth quake in Haiti happen?

Most likely Because of either a convergent boundary or a transform boundary that caused this.

What type of boundary do most volcanoes form on?


What events are most likely to occur along transform boundary?

The answer is Earthquakes