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Q: What type of relationship exists between the two animals the cartoon below?
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What relationship exists between the plants and some of the animals in your quadrant?

In our quadrant, some animals rely on plants for food and shelter, while plants depend on animals for pollination and seed dispersal. This mutual relationship benefits both parties and helps maintain the ecosystem's balance.

What relationship exists between height and potential energy if mass is held constant?

The relationship between height and potential energy is directly proportional when mass is held constant. As an object is raised to a higher height, its potential energy increases. This relationship is given by the equation: potential energy = mass x gravity x height.

The symbiotic relationship that exists between coral polyps and zooxanthellae is called what?

The symbiotic relationship between coral polyps and zooxanthellae is called mutualistic, as both organisms benefit from the partnership. Zooxanthellae provide energy through photosynthesis to the coral polyps, while the coral provides shelter and nutrients to the zooxanthellae.

What ecological relationship exists between locusts and rice plants?

Locusts and rice plants have a predator-prey relationship, where locusts feed on rice plants as a food source. This relationship can have negative impacts on rice production, as locusts can consume large quantities of rice crops, leading to economic losses and food insecurity in affected areas.

Which of these steps of the scientific method involves stating a relationship but not proposing an explanation for the relationship A. observation B. scientific law C. theory D. hypothesis?

B. Scientific law. Scientific laws describe a relationship between variables based on consistent patterns observed in experiments or observations, without providing an explanation for why this relationship exists. Hypotheses and theories, on the other hand, propose explanations for observed phenomena.

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A competition relationship is the struggle between animals as they try to use the same limited resource.

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Competition is another relationship that exists between organisms

What do you call a relationship that exists between the plants and animals?

The relationship between plants and animals is called symbiosis. This relationship can take various forms, such as mutualistic, commensal, or parasitic, where both parties can benefit, one benefits while the other is unaffected, or one benefits at the expense of the other, respectively.

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What sort of ecological relationship exists between a cow and the microorganisms living in its rumen?

It is a symbiotic relationship.

What relationship exists between an organisms habitat and its method of fertilization?

The organism's habitat can influence its method of fertilization based on the physical conditions required for successful reproduction. For example, in aquatic environments, external fertilization is common among species that release gametes into the water for fertilization to occur. On the other hand, in terrestrial environments, internal fertilization is more prevalent to ensure protection of gametes from drying out.

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What relationship exists between that cat and the mouse?

The cat is the predator and the mouse is the prey.