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Q: What type of process is the balanced half-reaction in which chlorine gas is reduced to the aqueous chloride ion is?
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Balanced equation for Chlorine gas reacts with aqueous potassium iodide to form solid iodine and aqueous potassium chloride?

2KI + Cl2 = 2KCl + I2

Aqueous chlorine reacting with aqueous sodium iodide?

Aqueous chlorine will react with aqueous sodium iodide to form aqueous sodium chloride and iodine. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: Cl2 (aq) + 2NaI (aq) -> 2NaCl (aq) + I2 (s)

What is The balanced half-reaction in which chlorine gas is reduced to the aqueous chloride ion?

The balanced half-reaction for the reduction of chlorine gas (Cl₂) to chloride ion (Cl⁻) is: Cl₂ + 2e⁻ → 2Cl⁻

What is the balanced equation for aqueous sodium hypochlorite plus aqueous hydrochloric acid---aqueous sodium chloride plus chlorine plus water?

The balanced equation for the reaction between aqueous sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and aqueous hydrochloric acid (HCl) is: NaOCl + HCl → NaCl + Cl2 + H2O

How did silver and chlorine formed to silver chloride?

Silver and chlorine react together to form silver chloride through a chemical reaction. This reaction involves the transfer of electrons between the silver and chlorine atoms, resulting in the formation of silver chloride. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 2Ag + Cl2 → 2AgCl.

What reaction happens between aqueous chlorine and sodium bromide solution?

The reaction between aqueous chlorine and sodium bromide solution results in the displacement of bromine by chlorine, forming sodium chloride and bromine gas as products. This is a redox reaction where chlorine is reduced and bromine is oxidized.

What is the gas evolved at anode during electrolysis of aqueous NaCl?

Chlorine gas is evolved at the anode during the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride (NaCl) because chloride ions are oxidized to form chlorine gas.

What is the product of aqueous chlorine reacts with aqueous potassium iodide?

The product of aqueous chlorine reacting with aqueous potassium iodide is potassium chloride and iodine. The chlorine oxidizes the iodide ions to form iodine, while the potassium ions from potassium iodide combine with the chlorine ions to form potassium chloride.

What is the electrode at which chlorine is produced?

Chlorine gas is produced at the anode during the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride (brine) solution. At the anode, chloride ions are oxidized to form chlorine gas.

Chlorine gas reacts with aqueous potassium iodide to form solid iodine and aqueous potassium chloride.?

Yes, it is correct.

What is the balanced equetion for aqueous sodium chloride plus aqueous potassium nitrate?

no reaction occurs .. they just mix together.

Why does an aqueous solution of iodine not react with potassium chloride?

Iodine is not reactive with potassium chloride in an aqueous solution because iodine is less reactive than chlorine. Chlorine is more likely to react with potassium to form potassium chloride, leaving the iodine unreacted.