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Q: What type of precipitation occurs as rain droplets move up and down repeatedly through freezing and nonfreezing air?
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What type of precipitation occurs as rain droplets move up and down through freezing and non freezing air?

Sleet occurs when rain droplets fall through a layer of freezing air close to the ground, causing them to freeze into ice pellets before reaching the surface.

Formation of precipitation in cold clouds is called?

Formation of precipitation in cold clouds is called nucleation and involves the process of tiny water droplets freezing into ice crystals. These ice crystals grow in size as they collide with other ice crystals or water droplets, eventually becoming heavy enough to fall to the ground as precipitation.

How does precipitation eventually return to the oceans?

Precipitation returns to the oceans through runoff, which is water flowing over the land surface into streams and rivers that eventually lead back to the ocean. Additionally, groundwater recharge contributes to the return of water to the oceans as water seeps through the soil and rocks into underground aquifers that may also discharge into the ocean.

Which form of precipitation is likely to occur when a layer of air with temperature above freezing overlies a subfreezing layer near the ground?

freezing rain. hail is caused by gusts of air repeatedly blowing precipitation back into the atmosphere, where it acquires a new layer of H2O. so in this case it is not likely to occur.

Which form of precipitation is likely to occur when a layer of air with temperatures above freezing overlies a subfreezing layer near the ground?

Freezing rain is likely to occur in this scenario. Rain falls from the warm layer above, then freezes upon contact with the subfreezing surface below, creating a glaze of ice.

Compare coalescence and supercooling?

Coalescence is the process by which small water droplets in a cloud combine to form larger droplets, which eventually fall as precipitation. Supercooling refers to the phenomenon where a liquid is cooled below its freezing point without actually turning into a solid, usually due to a lack of nucleation sites. Both coalescence and supercooling are important processes in the formation of precipitation in clouds.

What must be present for any precipitation to occur?

cloud droplets or ice crystals must grow heavy enough to fall through the air.HOPE this has helped you :)Or by temperature dropping *i dont think thts 1*

What is a precipatation that freezing on its way o earth?

Freezing precipitation is called sleet or freezing rain.

Explain why condesation may occur when moist air rises?

When moist air rises, it cools down due to the decrease in air pressure with altitude. As the air cools, its capacity to hold water vapor diminishes, leading to condensation. This results in the water vapor in the air condensing into liquid water droplets, which appear as clouds.

What type of precipitation occurs when it is above freezing?


How does precipitation develop?

Precipitation develops and occurs by the process of collision-coalescence. Collision-coalescence occurs when water droplets collide together to form larger droplets. These droplets get pulled to earth by gravity. Updrafts can send them back up but they will still grow larger and eventually fall to earth. The pure water remains as droplet and can super cool (-20C) below freezing. Ice crystals (super cooled water droplets) act as nucleation sites. The density of water vapor in the air prior to saturation is light and gets heavier as water droplets form. Ice or snow can occur, unless frozen water is warmed as it falls through the atmosphere resulting in rain. Dust and gas particles in the atmopshere can also act as nucleation sites for condensation to form upon. This will help create precipitation that eventually falls to earth due to weight and gravity processes.

How does a cloud turn into a glacier?

When snow accumulates on a mountain, it compacts over time to form layers of ice. These layers can gradually increase in thickness to become a glacier. The process involves the gradual transformation of snow into dense, compacted ice due to pressure and temperature changes.