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Q: What type of plate is plate a what about plate b. what do you say so?
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Why blood O can donet to blood b?

Blood type O can donate to blood type B because blood type O lacks A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells, and blood type B does not have antibodies against blood type O. This means there is no reaction when blood type O is transfused to blood type B.

Can o positive and b positive create b negative?

No, O positive and B positive parents cannot have a B negative child. A child with B negative blood type must inherit a B allele from both parents, which is not possible in this scenario as the O positive parent does not carry the B allele.

Is there a type Z blood?

There is no blood type known as type Z. The ABO blood group system classifies blood as A, B, AB, or O based on the presence or absence of antigens.

Your blood type is b and your husband is a what is the result to our baby?

If you have blood type B and your husband's blood type is unknown, there is a possibility that your baby could inherit either blood type B or another type depending on your husband's blood type. To determine the possible blood types for your baby, both your blood type and your husband's blood type would need to be known.

If a person with type on B blood needs a transfusion witch types of blood he or she can receive?

A person with type B blood can receive blood from donors with type B or type O blood. This is because type B individuals have B antigens on their red blood cells and anti-A antibodies in their plasma. Type O blood is considered the universal donor for individuals with type B blood.

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When neither anti-A nor anti-B clots on a blood plate the blood type is?

The blood type is AB. This is because an individual with blood type AB has both the A and B antigens on their red blood cells, so neither anti-A nor anti-B will cause clotting in this case.

What type of plate a what about plate b why do you so?

Plate A is a tectonic plate located beneath the Pacific Ocean, while Plate B sits beneath the Eurasian continent. The movement of tectonic plates, including Plates A and B, is driven by the flow of molten rock in the Earth's mantle, causing the plates to constantly shift and interact at their boundaries, leading to various geological activities like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

When neither anti-A nor anti-B clots on a blood plate the blood is type .?

what is anti a and b antibody in the body

What type of blood is type B blood?

I think so ab and b both

What is the blood type When neither anti-A sera nor anti-B sera clot on a blood plate with donor blood?

blood type O

What blood genes are dominant?

A=B>O Blood Type A is equal to Type B, and both of these are dominant to type O. So you can get type A, type B, type AB (mix of A and B because neither one is dominant over the other) or type O.

Could a type B child with a type A a mother have a type A father?

no. because if the child's blood type is B, one of the parent must have type B or type AB but non of them has it. so it is impossible for the father to have typeA.

Can a b neg blood type give a kidney to a b positive blood type?

no so suck my toes

What blood type can o positive donate to?

O positive has no A antigens or B antigens and so can donate to people with A type, B type and AB type. However they as it is positive it does have the rhaesis antigen and so can only dontate to other positive type people. (A+, B+ and AB+)

What is the recipient of the blood type B?

I think so ab and b both

What blood type can be found in an offspring if a mother has type a and the father has type b blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

Why can blood type A only receive A or O?

A person who is type A has naturally occurring anti-B in their circulation. Type A and type O blood do not have B antigen on the red cells. Type B and AB do have B antigen present on the red cells and so the anti-B in circulation of the type A person will attack the cells.