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Q: What type of plate did the kamchatka tsunami have?
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What fault was the kamchatka earthquake on?

The Kamchatka earthquake was on the Pacific plate.

What is the plate boudary Kamchatka is on?

i dont kniw

What type of boundary was the 2004 tsunami on?

The 2004 tsunami was on a convergent boundary where the Indian Plate was subducted beneath the Burma Plate, displacing a massive amount of water and triggering the devastating tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

What caused the Kamchatka earthquake?

The Kamchatka earthquake was caused by the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate along the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. This subduction zone is capable of producing large earthquakes due to the release of accumulated stress along the boundary between the two tectonic plates.

Is a Tsunami a constructive or a destructive?

A tsunami usually occurs on a destructive plate boundary.

Kamchatka earthquake 1923 deaths?

The Kamchatka earthquake of 1923 had a devastating impact, resulting in over 700 deaths. It was one of the strongest earthquakes recorded in the region, with a magnitude of around 8.2. The earthquake caused widespread destruction in the Kamchatka Peninsula and triggered a tsunami that further contributed to the casualties.

What plates caused the Asian tsunami?

The India Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

What are the causes of tsunami which was hit by japan?

The sudden movement of the Pacific tectonic plate under the North American plate caused a massive earthquake and a tsunami.

What is a type of boundary that will cause a tsunami?

A subduction zone boundary, where one tectonic plate is forced below another, can cause a tsunami when there is a sudden movement resulting in the displacement of a large volume of water. This can trigger a tsunami, with the potential to generate destructive waves.

What caused the 2004 indoneisan tsunami - a divergent convergent or transform plate movement?

The 2004 Indonesian tsunami was caused by a megathrust earthquake along a subduction zone, which involves a convergent plate movement. The Indian Plate subducted beneath the Burma Plate, generating a massive underwater earthquake that resulted in the tsunami.

What tectonic plates were involved in the Asian tsunami 2004 and how did they move?

The Indian Plate subducted beneath the Burma Plate, causing the devastating 2004 Asian tsunami. The movement occurred as the Indian Plate was wedged beneath the Burma Plate, displacing a significant amount of water that produced the massive tsunami waves.

What type of volcano is bezymianny?

Bezymianny Kamchatka is an active volcano located in Russia