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Legumes (e.g peas and beans). They form symbiotic relationships with Rhizobia bacteria which fix atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates which can be used by the plant.

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Legume plants have a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria called rhizobia. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plants can use for growth, which benefits both the plant and the bacteria. Examples of legume plants include peas, beans, and clover.

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Q: What type of plant that has bacteria living with it that can convert to nitrogen?
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Root nodules are associations between bacteria and plant roots responsible for?

Root nodules are associations between bacteria (such as rhizobia) and plant roots that are responsible for nitrogen fixation. The bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plant can use, helping the plant to grow in nitrogen-deficient soils. This symbiotic relationship benefits both the plant and the bacteria.

What do nitogen-fixing bacteria do?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria change nitrogen from the air into nitrogen compounds such as ammonia, nitrate, and nitrogen dioxide. They do so, through two living arrangements. One's as free living bacteria in the soil. The other's in association with plants of the Fabaceae and Leguminosae families, such as beans and peas. In this arrangement, the plant gives the bacteria sugars in the form of exudates [waste products]. In return, the bacteria provides the plant with nitrogen in forms that the plant can take in.

Why are bacteria that change the form of nitrogen important?

Bacteria that convert nitrogen gas into a form plants can use (nitrogen fixation) play a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle, ensuring the availability of nitrogen for plant growth. Bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrate (nitrification) make nitrogen more readily available to plants. These processes are essential for plant growth and ecosystem functioning.

What does it mean for bacteria to fix nitrogen for plants?

Bacteria that fix nitrogen convert atmospheric nitrogen gas into a form that plants can use, typically through a symbiotic relationship with the plant roots. This process is essential for plant growth as nitrogen is an important nutrient for their development.

What do nitrogen fixing bacteria convert in the nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria are anaerobic bacteria present in the soil or in some plant roots that change nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into solid nitrogen compounds (e.g. ammonium salts) that plants can use in the soil.Nitrogen fixing bacteria that are symbiotic with plants use sugars supplied by the plant they live in to provide the metabolic energy to carry out this process.

Related questions

What is the relationship between the plant and bacteria in root nodules?

The relationship between plants and bacteria in root nodules is symbiotic. The plant provides the bacteria with sugars, while the bacteria, often rhizobia, convert nitrogen gas into a form that the plant can use for growth. This process, known as nitrogen fixation, benefits both the plant and the bacteria.

Root nodules are associations between bacteria and plant roots responsible for?

Root nodules are associations between bacteria (such as rhizobia) and plant roots that are responsible for nitrogen fixation. The bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plant can use, helping the plant to grow in nitrogen-deficient soils. This symbiotic relationship benefits both the plant and the bacteria.

What do nitogen-fixing bacteria do?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria change nitrogen from the air into nitrogen compounds such as ammonia, nitrate, and nitrogen dioxide. They do so, through two living arrangements. One's as free living bacteria in the soil. The other's in association with plants of the Fabaceae and Leguminosae families, such as beans and peas. In this arrangement, the plant gives the bacteria sugars in the form of exudates [waste products]. In return, the bacteria provides the plant with nitrogen in forms that the plant can take in.

Can nitrogen be directly used by living things?

No, nitrogen gas cannot be directly used by most living organisms. Instead, nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil or in plant roots convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form (ammonia or nitrates) that can be used by plants to make proteins. Other organisms then obtain nitrogen by consuming these plants.

What are plant nodules?

Plant nodules are small growths on the roots or stems of certain plants that house bacteria capable of converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plant can use for growth. This symbiotic relationship between the plant and the bacteria helps increase nitrogen availability in the soil, benefiting both parties. Nodules are common in leguminous plants such as peas, beans, and clover.

What does it mean for bacteria to fix nitrogen for plants?

Bacteria that fix nitrogen convert atmospheric nitrogen gas into a form that plants can use, typically through a symbiotic relationship with the plant roots. This process is essential for plant growth as nitrogen is an important nutrient for their development.

Which statement best describes the process that takes place in these nodules?

The correct answer is... Bacteria in the plant nodules convert nitrogen from the soil into molecules the plant can use.

What do nitrogen fixing bacteria convert in the nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria are anaerobic bacteria present in the soil or in some plant roots that change nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into solid nitrogen compounds (e.g. ammonium salts) that plants can use in the soil.Nitrogen fixing bacteria that are symbiotic with plants use sugars supplied by the plant they live in to provide the metabolic energy to carry out this process.

What is the purpose of legume nodules?

They are caused by a symbiotic bacteria which benefits the plant by fixing atmospheric nitrogen (which the plant needs to make proteins).

What is the purpose of nitrogen-fixing bacteria?

Although the air is made up of about 70% nitrogen, plants cannot use nitrogen in this N2 form. Nitrogen fixing bacteria change nitrogen into the form of soluble nitrates so that plants can use it. Other bacteria, known as de-nitrifying bacteria, change nitrates back into N2, which completes the nitrogen cycle Updated by: Levi Levitt

What element can be fixed into plant material by bacteria?

Nitrogen is an element that can be fixed into plant material by bacteria. Certain bacteria, like rhizobia and cyanobacteria, have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use, which helps in the fertilization and growth of plants.

How does bacteria benefit plants?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria are important for plants as they can convert Nitrogen from the air into Nitrates in the soil which the plant can then use. Legumes have nodules on their roots to provide a suitable habitat for them.