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this answer is incorrect there is 5 and you should have said kingdoms not organisms

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13y ago
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11y ago

The species inside the animal kingdom are example organisms that do not have cell walls. This includes reptiles, birds and mammals.

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13y ago

Plants, as well as some prokaryotes.

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12y ago

Plants. (and spores)

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Q: What type of organism has cells with cell walls?
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Cells of which type of organism have cell walls?

In plant, human, bacteria, fungi

Where is the cell membrane located in the cells that do not have cell walls?

Animal cells are the type of cells that do not have cell walls. The location varies depending on where the cell functions.

What type of cell can you find in the cell walls?

plant cells

What type of cell do you have prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

cells walls in a animal cells

What type of sales have cell walls?

Plant cells are surrounded by cell walls apart from the cell membrane. Apart from plants other cells that have cell walls include bacteria, algae, fungi, and diatoms.

Which type of cell has no cell wall and which type of cell does?

Animal cells and some protists e.g., amoeba, have no cell wall. Plant and fungal cells have walls. In plants the wall is composed of cellulose while fungal cells have cell walls composed of chitin.

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What type of cells has cells walls?

Animals and some protozoans lack a celll wall.Every other cell has a cell wall.

Do Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have cell walls?

Many kinds of eukaryotic cells do have cell walls. Plant cell walls are made of cellulose and fungi have chitin cell walls.However, some kinds of eukaryotes do not have cell walls. Animal cells do not have a cell wall, for example.

The type of cell in an organism that can differentiate throughout life?

Stem cells

What type of cell is formed in the male organism at the last stage of mitosis?

The type of cell formed in the male organism at the last stage of mitosis is a sperm cell.

Is a potato a plant cell or animal cell?

I am assuming you are talking about the potato plant as a whole and not just the stem of the plant, which is what is known as a "potato." So continuing with the assumption that you are talking about a potato plant, then yes a potato plant is a multicellular organism. It is an organism and it has more than one cell that work together for the good of the group of cells.