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The term you are likely looking for is "Geosynchronous Orbit"

Any orbit with a semi-major axis of about 22,000 miles has an orbital period of 24 hours.

If the orbit is circular, then the satellite is always at the same longitude,
but oscillates north and south every day.

If the orbit is in the plane of earth's equator, then the satellite appears stationary
over one place on the earth's surface.

A good example is any of the satellites that send TV to those little dishes
mounted on everyone's garage.

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1mo ago

A geostationary orbit is an orbit around Earth's equator in which a satellite's orbital period matches Earth's rotation period, causing it to remain stationary relative to the surface. This orbit allows satellites to maintain constant positions over specific points on Earth, making them ideal for communication, weather, and surveillance purposes.

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12y ago

It's a geostationary orbit. The object (satellite) is at a particular distance from the earth, such that it orbits once around the earth in 24 hours, in the same direction. This means it stays in the apparent same spot in the sky from earth, meaning that dishes receiving transmissions from it can remain fixed, rather than have to track the satellite accross the sky.

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I don't know why do you think i came to this lame website that's it im stoping coming of this everyone knows exept me BYE!

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