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Q: What type of mountain is formed when two plates collide?
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What type of geologic feature will form two continental plates collide ( Explain)?

Mountain ranges are formed when two continental plates collide. When they converge one plate will be forced slightly under the other one.

What type of boundary is made when plates collide?

A convergent boundary is formed when plates collide. At this type of boundary, the denser plate sinks beneath the less dense plate in a process known as subduction. This collision often results in the formation of mountain ranges, volcanoes, and deep ocean trenches.

What is formed when two plates collide into each other?

It depends on the type of crust involved. If both plates carry oceanic crust, an ocean trench is formed along with a volcanic island are on the overriding plate. If one plate carries oceanic crust and the other continental, you will get an ocean trench, a continental volcanic arc, and a mountain range. If both plates carry continental crust, then a mountain range is formed.

What type of boundary is formed wen plates collide?

A convergent boundary is formed when plates collide. In this type of boundary, one plate is forced beneath the other in a process called subduction. This collision can result in the formation of mountains, volcanic arcs, and deep-sea trenches.

What type of mountain is formed when plates converge?

When plates converge, a fold mountain is formed. This happens when the edges of two tectonic plates push against each other, causing the land to buckle and fold, creating mountain ranges like the Himalayas or the Andes.

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What type of mountain is the Himalayas?

The Himalayas are Fold Mountains

What type of geologic feature will form two continental plates collide ( Explain)?

Mountain ranges are formed when two continental plates collide. When they converge one plate will be forced slightly under the other one.

What type of boundary is formed when plates collide?

When plates collide it is called a convergent boundary.newtest3

What type of boundaries formed when plates collide?

Convergent boundary

What happens when 2 tectonic plates collide?

When two plates collide directly (versus sliding along each other) they typically form a mountain range. For example, the Himalayan Mountains are are formed by the collision of the Eurasian Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate. As John McPhee says in "Annals of the Former World", the most amazing thing is that the summit of Mount Everest, the worlds tallest mountain, is marine limestone.

What type of geologic feature will form where two continental plates collide explain?

When two continental plates collide, a convergent boundary is formed. This collision can create mountain ranges due to intense pressure and compression of the Earth's crust. The collision can also lead to the uplift of crustal rocks and the formation of deep sedimentary basins.

What type of boundary is made when plates collide?

A convergent boundary is formed when plates collide. At this type of boundary, the denser plate sinks beneath the less dense plate in a process known as subduction. This collision often results in the formation of mountain ranges, volcanoes, and deep ocean trenches.

What type of landform is found at converging continental plates Why?

Folded mountains are formed at converging continental plates due to the intense pressure and compression that occurs as the plates collide. This results in the upward buckling and folding of the Earth's crust, creating mountain ranges.

Which type of mountain is formed by vertical pressure?

Fold mountains are formed by vertical pressure when tectonic plates collide and force rock layers to bend and uplift, creating ridges and peaks. Examples include the Himalayas and the Alps.

What type of mountain are ural mountain?

Folded mountains. These are formed when tectonic plates clashed together and formed in and up.

What is formed when two plates collide into each other?

It depends on the type of crust involved. If both plates carry oceanic crust, an ocean trench is formed along with a volcanic island are on the overriding plate. If one plate carries oceanic crust and the other continental, you will get an ocean trench, a continental volcanic arc, and a mountain range. If both plates carry continental crust, then a mountain range is formed.

What type of landform is created by the collision of continental?

When two Continental plates collide, both plates lift upward and it can form mountains or mountain chains.