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That's why they use Lead Shielding for radiation

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Materials like paper, clothing, or skin can block alpha particles. However, for stronger sources of alpha radiation, thicker materials like aluminum or plastic may be needed for effective shielding.

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What type of nuclear radiation can be blocked by a block of lead Beta particles or alpha particles?

Alpha particles can be blocked by a block of lead due to their relatively low penetrating power, while beta particles may require a thicker shield, such as a piece of aluminum or plastic, depending on their energy. Lead is not as effective at blocking beta particles as it is for alpha particles.

Which type of radiation is easiest to shield?

The type of radiation that is easiest to shield are alpha particles. They are also the least harmful. Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus.

What is a type of radiation that cannot pass through solids?

Alpha radiation is a type of radiation that cannot pass through solids. This type of radiation consists of alpha particles, which are positively charged and relatively heavy, making them easier to block by solid materials.

Is alpha particle a type of photon?

No, an alpha particle is not a type of photon. Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons, while photons are massless particles of light.

What type of radiation alpha beta or gamma is emitted by thorium-230?

alpha particles.

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In this case alpha particles are emitted.

Which type of radiation is deflected from its oringinal path when it strikes an object?

Alpha radiation is deflected from its original path when it strikes an object due to interactions with the atoms of the material. Alpha particles have a larger mass and positive charge, making them more likely to interact and be deflected by the electrons in the material.

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What is the type of radioactive decay in which positive particles are given off?

Alpha decay is the type of radioactive decay in which positive particles, specifically alpha particles, are emitted. These alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together, giving them a positive charge.

What are 3 kinds of radiation given off by radioactive substances?

The three types of radiation given off by radioactive substances are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles are the least penetrating, beta particles are more penetrating than alpha particles, and gamma rays are the most penetrating and dangerous type of radiation.

What is alpha particle detector and what is the application of bjt in alpha particle detector?

An alpha particle detector is a device used to detect the presence of alpha particles, which are relatively massive and charged particles emitted during radioactive decay. A Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) can be used in an alpha particle detector as a sensor element to detect the ionization caused by alpha particles passing through it. When an alpha particle ionizes the semiconductor material in the BJT, it can generate an electrical signal that can be measured to detect the presence of alpha particles.

What type of field would deflect alpha and beta particles?

An electromagnetic field would deflect alpha and beta particles. Charged particles like alpha and beta particles are affected by electromagnetic forces, causing them to change direction when passing through an electromagnetic field.