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Q: What type of limiting factor is a parasitism?
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Wich type of limiting factor are disease and parasites

What type of limiting factor is a waterborne disease such as cholera?

A biologic limiting factor.

Why is sunlight a limiting factor in tundra?

limiting factor is like a weather condition and the sun is a type of condition for the tundra

What restricts the number of individuals in a population is a what factor?

Limiting factor

What kind of limiting factor depends on the population size?

Density-dependent limiting factors, such as competition for resources, predation, disease, and parasitism, depend on the population size. As the population size increases, the impact of these factors may also increase, leading to adjustments in population growth and dynamics.

Which type of limiting factor is the seasonal drought in the serengeti plains?

abiotic factor

What type of limiting factor is the seasonal drought in the Serengeti plains?

Abiotic factor

Which type of limiting factor was the typhoid outbreak that occured in Ithaca?

niche factor

What is Anything that restricts the number of individual in a population is a?

A limiting factor is anything that restricts the number of individuals in a population

What type of limiting factor is fishing?

Living limited factor because humans fish and humans are living.

What type of limiting factor is pollution?

It is density dependent. Density dependent are factors that limit a population only when the population reaches a certain density, such as illness or disease, competition, predation, parasitism, etc.