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Q: What type of lava forms a hot spot?
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lava ozzing out of a vent which is a hot spot

What type of lava forms in mount unzen?

The Type of Lava that is really, really hot and could kill lots of people

WhAT Magma type most often forms at hot spots?

Pahoehoe lava

What type of land forms from a hot spot?

islands like Hawaii

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Does hot spot have lava viscous or fluid?

Hot spots often have more fluid lava compared to volcanic arcs because the mantle plume beneath a hot spot is hotter, resulting in lower viscosity lava. This fluid lava allows it to flow more easily and create shield volcanoes with gentle slopes.

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What type of lava does santa maria have when it flows?

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala typically produces andesitic lava when it flows. Andesitic lava is characterized by its intermediate viscosity and silica content, resulting in a mixture of smooth and blocky textures.

What type of lava does the Mauna loa produce?

hot lava

What type of volcano most likely to form over oceanic hot spot?

Shield volcanoes are most likely to form over oceanic hot spots. These volcanoes have gentle slopes created by the flowing lava with low viscosity that forms thin layers over a wide area. Mauna Loa in Hawaii is an example of a shield volcano that formed over an oceanic hot spot.

What type of lava or materials flow from Poas volcano?

The type of lava that flows from poas is color purple and it has hot pink streaks from the inner core. The lava is hot...