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Both rhyolitic and basaltic lava flows have been found in the Yellowstone Caldera. There are alro large deposits of rhyolitic tuff.

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Yellowstone caldera has a type of lava called rhyolitic lava. This lava is known for being highly viscous and rich in silica, which can lead to explosive eruptions.

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Q: What type of lava does Yellowstone caldera have?
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What type of volcano is under most of Yellowstone National Park?

The Yellowstone Caldera, also known as the Yellowstone Supervolcano, is a volcanic caldera and supervolcano estimated to be an area of about 34 X 45 miles (55 X 72 km).

What type of volcano produced the caldera that covers most of Yellowstone Nation?

The Yellowstone volcano is usually called a supervolcano.

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Yellowstone Caldera in Yellowstone National Park is a famous example of a caldera volcano. It has erupted catastrophically in the past, creating a large caldera that measures about 45 by 30 miles.

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No. Most of Yellowstone lies outside of the Yellowstone Caldera, though this caldera still takes up a large portion of the park. A larger portion of the park is in the older Island Park Caldera, which partly overlaps the Yellowstone Caldera. This still takes up a minority of the park.

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No. For one thing, the Yellowstone volcano is not a mountain, it is a caldera. It is usually referred to as the Yellowstone caldera or the Yellowstone supervolcano.

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The Yellowstone volcano is usually called a supervolcano.

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Yellowstone is a super volcano, which is a large volcano capable of erupting more than 1,000 cubic kilometers of material in a single eruption. It is not specifically categorized as a composite, cinder cone, or shield volcano due to its unique geological characteristics.

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What plate boundary is associated with volcano Yellowstone caldera?

The Yellowstone caldera is associated with a hot spot, not a plate boundary.

What is the extinction level event of Yellowstone caldera?

An eruption of the Yellowstone caldera occurs it will likely be an extinction level event.

What is Magma injected into older rock?

That is known as an "intrusion". The magma (lava) is forced under pressure into cracks and fissures within the older rock. There are some good examples of this type of formation in Yellowstone caldera.