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what types of landscapes erode faster

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Q: What type of landscape would erode quickly?
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The water can erode rocks and other things until they become beaches or some other type of landforms

Would Mount Rushmore be easier to carve in sandstone?

No, Mount Rushmore is carved in granite, which is a harder and more durable type of rock than sandstone. Sandstone is much softer and would erode more quickly, making it a less suitable material for such a carving.

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Normal rain contributes to the weathering of rocks by dissolving minerals in the rock, causing erosion. This process can lead to the breakdown of the rock over time, especially in regions with frequent rainfall. Rainwater can also introduce acids, such as carbonic acid, which further accelerates the weathering process.

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You probably used the wrong type of antifreeze. You should use the type for aluminum heads.

How do you type in landscape on Word?

Once you set the page to landscape, then you just type as normal and it will be printed on the page in landscape rather than portrait.

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You would find a mid-ocean ridge at an oceanic-oceanic plate divergent boundary. This ridge is formed by the spreading apart of the two plates, allowing magma to rise and create new oceanic crust.

What type of soil would erode the fastest wet soil or dry soil?

Wet soil would typically erode faster than dry soil because water can increase the weight of the soil particles, making them easier to be carried away by erosion agents like water flow or wind. Dry soil is usually more stable and cohesive, reducing the rate of erosion.

What type of rocks weather and erode to form sedimentary rocks?

Igneous, metamorphic, and existing sedimentary rocks can weather and erode to form sedimentary rocks. Igneous and metamorphic rocks can break down into sediments through processes like weathering and erosion, which then may accumulate and lithify into sedimentary rocks. Existing sedimentary rocks can also be reworked and lithified to form new sedimentary rocks through processes like compaction and cementation.

What type of glaciers are there and how do they erode the land?

glacial deposition and glacial erosion

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Karst landscape is a type of landscape where caves, deep valleys, and sinkholes are common. This type of landscape is formed by the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone, dolomite, or gypsum by groundwater. The result is distinctive topographical features like caves, sinkholes, and underground drainage systems.

What type of landscape does Germany have?

ALOT of mountains!