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Slow release energy foods are complex carbs ie grains/veg/ - containing vitamins and minerals which are good for your health. Glucose from these are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles as a reservoir to provide you with energy when you need it. Too much turns to fat.

Quick release energy foods are mainly sugars- sweet foods not nutritionally very useful. These are glucose that is absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly and used up quickly - which is why you can suddenly get a drop in glucose levels.

A good balance of both is good. So quick release gives quick energy & slow release energy is stored (& important as nutrition source for body functions)

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Foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes, and vegetables, provide slow-releasing energy due to their low glycemic index. These foods are digested more slowly, leading to a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream and sustained energy levels over time.

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Q: What type of food gives slow releasing energy?
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What is a energy releasing molecule?

are the molecules that when they descompose in primary components they liberate energy in the human cell, we can use this energy in the cytoplasm fot multiple functions. there are molecules with unestable covalentes unions, that can change the chemical configuration, liberate energy slow or rapidly.

What is slow oxidation rapid oxidation?

Slow oxidation refers to a chemical reaction that occurs at a gradual pace, often producing heat or energy slowly, while rapid oxidation happens at a much quicker rate, releasing energy rapidly, such as in combustion or explosions. The speed of the oxidation process is influenced by factors like temperature, pressure, and the presence of catalysts.

Two particles to start nuclear fission reaction?

Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239 are commonly used in nuclear fission reactions. When hit by a neutron, these particles can split into smaller fragments, releasing more neutrons and a large amount of energy.

When matter loses its particles slow down?

When matter loses energy, its particles slow down. This decrease in kinetic energy leads to a decrease in particle movement and ultimately a decrease in temperature.

What is the structure represents the parasympathetic innervation fo the heart?

The parasympathetic innervation of the heart is primarily provided by the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X). The nucleus ambiguus in the medulla oblongata gives rise to the vagus nerve fibers that innervate the heart. These fibers slow down the heart rate by releasing acetylcholine at the SA node.

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Rapid oxidation is a fire. Its burning. The oxygen reacts with the substance very quickly in a fire. Slow oxidation is rusting. Rust happens very slowly but its the same chemical reaction.

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No, freezing liquid actually removes energy from it in order to lower its temperature and solidify it. When a liquid freezes, the molecules slow down and come together to form a solid structure, releasing heat in the process.

What is a slow metabolism?

a Slow metabolism means your body doesnt turn your food in to energy as quick as you would like it to so yes you may gain weight. Hope this has helped :D

Does pasta in lasagna give you energy?

Pasta does not give you quick energy. Pasta is made up of complex carbohydrates that provide slow-release energy. However, it is important to note that while pasta may be low in sources of quick energy, there is a significant amount of sugar in spaghetti sauce. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate, which means it provides quick energy. Assuming "spaghetti" is a combination of both pasta and spaghetti sauce, I would say it is a source of both quick and slow-releasing energy.

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