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Electrical fires should not be extinguished with water, as it can conduct electricity and increase the risk of electrocution. Instead, electrical fires should be put out using a Class C fire extinguisher or by cutting off the power source if safe to do so.

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Q: What type of fire should not be extinguished with water?
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How much water does it take to put out a fire the size of a 5x5 piece of wood?

The amount of water needed to put out a fire depends on the intensity and type of fire. Generally, for a small fire like a 5x5 piece of wood, around 3-5 gallons of water would be sufficient to extinguish it completely. It is important to ensure the fire is fully extinguished to prevent any re-ignition.

Can fire go away?

Fire can "go away" if it runs out of fuel, is extinguished by water or another fire retardant, or if the conditions necessary for it to exist, such as heat, oxygen, and fuel, are removed. The extinguishing method depends on the type of fire and its surroundings.

Is water the best way to put out a chemical fire?

Water may not always be the best way to put out a chemical fire as it can react with certain chemicals and worsen the situation. It's important to know the type of chemical involved in the fire and use the appropriate extinguishing agent recommended for that particular chemical.

What is the type of monster that cannot be found in the temple of water?

The type of monster that cannot be found in the temple of water is the fire-based monster. Water-based monsters are typically found in the temple of water, while fire-based monsters are weak to water and would not be found in such a location.

What is fire demand?

Fire demand refers to the amount of water required to extinguish a fire. It is calculated based on factors such as the size of the fire, the type of materials burning, and the fire's intensity. Understanding fire demand is crucial for ensuring that fire protection systems, such as sprinklers, are designed to effectively control and suppress fires.

Related questions

What type of fire should not be extinguished?

A wildfire that Forrest crews are watching and letting burn. A natural Forrest fire paves way for new growth.

What type of fire can be put out safely with waterOil engine paper or gas?

Class A fires (wood, paper, cloth) can be extinguished with water.

What type of fire is extinguished with a 'Class D' fire extinguisher?

Combustible metals like aluminum or magnesium

What class fire is a coal fire?

A coal fire is considered a Class A fire, which involves ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, cloth, and plastics. Class A fires can be extinguished using water, foam, or dry chemical extinguishers.

What is a class A fire?

A class A fire is a type of fire that involves common combustibles such as wood, paper, and fabric. It can typically be extinguished with water or a Class A fire extinguisher.

How much water does it take to put out a fire the size of a 5x5 piece of wood?

The amount of water needed to put out a fire depends on the intensity and type of fire. Generally, for a small fire like a 5x5 piece of wood, around 3-5 gallons of water would be sufficient to extinguish it completely. It is important to ensure the fire is fully extinguished to prevent any re-ignition.

What type of extinguisher should be used on an electrical fire?

A water-type or water-based foam type of extinguisher should not be used on an electrical fire because water and foam are electrical conductors and could result in electrocution of the person using the extinguisher or anyone stepping in the water.

In heart gold what Pokemon should you pick the fire type or grass or water?

pick what you want fire type is hard to raise water is normal and grass is easy!

What type of fire extinguisher should be used on an electrical fires?

A water-type or water-based foam type of extinguisher should not be used on an electrical fire because water and foam are electrical conductors and could result in electrocution of the person using the extinguisher or anyone stepping in the water.

What Pokemon should you use to defeat Gary before the Pokemon league?

It depends on your starter pokemon. If its a fire type than have an electric or grass type If its a water type then have a fire type or a flying type Ifits a grass type then have a water type

How should a small fire be extinguished?

A small fire can be extinguished by using a fire extinguisher, smothering it with a heavy blanket or towel, or by pouring baking soda or salt over it. It is important to always prioritize safety and evacuate the area if the fire becomes uncontrollable.

Water should never be used to fight which type of fire and why?

Water should never be used to fight an electrical fire. It could potentially cause an explosion or cause you to become electrocuted.