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Alcoholic fermentation is the type of fermentation that occurs in yeast.
Anaerobic respiration, namely alcoholic fermentation. This process is very similar to glycolysis, except for the fact that alcoholic fermentation replaces one enzyme with two enzymes that change pyruvic acid into ethanol and carbon dioxide.

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Q: What type of fermentation fermentation occurs in yeast?
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What types of fermentation occurs in bacteria and yeast?

Alcohol fermentation.

What type of fermentation is carried out by yeast?

Alcoholic fermentation

Where does alcohol fermentation take place?

Alcoholic fermentation occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell.

What type of fermentation occurs in yeast and some plants?

alcoholic fermentation, also referred to as ethanol fermentation, is a biological process in which elements such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose are converted into cellular energy and thereby produce ethanol and carbon dioxide as metabolic waste products.

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Yeast cells carry out fermentation when they are supplied with what type of molecule?

Yeast cells carry out fermentation when they are supplied with glucose molecule.

How do the products of fermentation in animals differ from yeast?

In animals, fermentation produces lactate or lactic acid as a byproduct, while in yeast, fermentation produces ethanol and carbon dioxide. Lactic acid fermentation does not produce energy as efficiently as ethanol fermentation, which is why animals primarily rely on it during high-intensity exercise when oxygen is limited. Fermentation in animals occurs in muscle cells, while yeast fermentation takes place in yeast cells.

List the two type of fermentation and tell where each take place?

Alcoholic fermentation: occurs in yeast and some bacteria, where sugars are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Lactic acid fermentation: takes place in muscle cells and some bacteria, converting sugars into lactic acid to produce energy in the absence of oxygen.