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Q: What type of fault is characterized by the hanging walling moving upward relative to the footwall opposite of the way that is naturally occurring by gravity?
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What is the opposite to naturally occurring?

The opposite of naturally occurring would be artificially created or man-made.

Normal and reverse faults are characterized mainly by?

Normal faults are characterized by the hanging wall moving down relative to the footwall, while reverse faults are characterized by the hanging wall moving up relative to the footwall. Both faults are caused by compressional forces in the Earth's crust, but their movements are opposite in direction.

What is the opposite of still?

The opposite of being still could be moving, or restless, wiggly, jumpy.The opposite of still occurring (at this time) would be "no longer" occurring.

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How does a rock move on a normal fault?

A normal fault is a product of tension so the hanging wall of the fault slides down the footwall. If you look into the fault plane, and it slopes from lower left to top right, the (over)hanging wall is on the left and you will see its younger rocks have slid down to meet older ones on the footwall opposite.

How does the rock move on a normal fault?

A normal fault is a product of tension so the hanging wall of the fault slides down the footwall. If you look into the fault plane, and it slopes from lower left to top right, the (over)hanging wall is on the left and you will see its younger rocks have slid down to meet older ones on the footwall opposite.

What is the opposite of Flimflam?

genuine characterized by integrity honest reliable frank

How do you spell intermirel?

There are opposite terms:intermural - between different schoolsintramural - occurring at one school

What is the opposite of noctural?

The opposite is diurnal `happening by day, coming out during the day, occurring every day'. Animals which come out at twilight are called crepuscular.

Is earnest the opposite of modern?

No, earnest means characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions.

How do you purposely break an ankle?

LoL bend it the opposite way it naturally bends

What does irresponsibility mean?

The opposite of responsibleCan't be trusted to do what they should do.