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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

The type of evolution described is gradualism, which suggests that change occurs slowly and steadily over time, as proposed by Darwin. This concept is supported by evidence from the fossil record, which shows a gradual transition from one species to another.

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Q: What type of evolution that is described by a slow ongoing process and also theorized by Darwin and the fossil record?
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Software evolution is an ongoing process

How long does evolution take?

Forever really, its an ongoing process

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took? Evolution wasn't an event. Its an ongoing process

What describes evolution as a slow ongoing process by which one species changes to a new species?

The answer is: gradualism

What describes a evolution as a slow ongoing process?

Evolution is a slow ongoing process that involves changes in the genetic makeup of populations over generations. These changes can lead to the adaptation of organisms to their environment and the formation of new species. The process of evolution is driven by natural selection, genetic drift, and other factors that act on the variability within populations.

How long has evolution been going on?

Evolution has been occurring on Earth for over 3.5 billion years. The process of evolution is ongoing and has led to the diversity of life forms that we see today.

What is the model for slow ongoing process of evolution is?

The model for the slow ongoing process of evolution is called gradualism. It suggests that evolutionary change occurs gradually over long periods of time through the accumulation of small, incremental changes in populations. This contrasts with punctuated equilibrium, which suggests that evolution occurs in short bursts of rapid change followed by long periods of stability.

What scientist first described evolution as a process of adaptation?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, a French scientist, was one of the first to propose a comprehensive theory of evolution in the early 19th century. He suggested that organisms can adapt to their environment through the inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Is evolution going to stop?

Evolution is an ongoing process that will continue as long as life exists. As long as organisms continue to reproduce and environments change, evolution will continue to shape the diversity of life on Earth.

How long does it take for evolution to start?

Evolution is an ongoing process. It is occurring all the time with respect to every living organism on this planet. It began when life began, and will not cease for as long as there is life. As for the beginning of life, science does not have a definitive answer for how it came about, but evolution does not in fact deal with that question. It merely explains, conclusively i might add, how a single living cell becomes everything you see around you over hundreds of millions of years.

Who first described the process of genetic variation?

The first description of the process of genetic variation could probably be attributed to Charles Robert Darwin, who is the originator of the Theory of Evolution.

Is evolution forever?

Evolution is an ongoing process that has been occurring for billions of years and is likely to continue as long as life exists on Earth. It is driven by genetic variation, natural selection, and other mechanisms that enable organisms to adapt to changing environments. While the specific direction and outcomes of evolution are unpredictable, the process itself is a fundamental aspect of life.