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Epithelia cells are the first cell type that differentiate in the embryo during the 8 cell stage. Epithelia are tissues that are formed by epithelial cells. These specialized cells are differ from others by the nature of avascular, sensory, gliding surface layer, tight barrier and differs from endothelial cells. They form the major cavities of the body. These cells form lungs, kidney, kidney, pancreas and so on. Epithelia act as sensory receptors, hence they form taste buds, nose, ear, female reproductive organs and so on.

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9y ago
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7y ago

glial columnar epithelium Columnar epithelium id the cell that has cilia. This is also known as glial.
Simple Columnar and Pseudostratified Columnar

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10y ago

cilia are most likely seen on what epithelium?

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3y ago

columnar epithelium

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Q: What type of epithelial cell often had cilia?
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Glial cells are not a type of epithelial cell. Glial cells are a type of support cell in the nervous system, while squamous, columnar, and cuboidal cells are types of epithelial cells that line surfaces and cavities in the body.

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Ciliated epithelial cells have hair-like structures called cilia that beat in a coordinated manner to move substances such as mucus along their surface. This helps to trap and remove foreign particles, bacteria, and debris from the respiratory tract, aiding in lung health and functioning.

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Cilia are typically found on animal cells and are involved in movement and sensing in various organisms. Plant cells do not have cilia but may have flagella for certain functions.

Do any cells have both flagella and cilia?

No they are not in same cell. One type is found in one cell.

Does animals and plants have squamous cells?

No, animals and plants do not have squamous cells. Squamous cells are a type of epithelial cell found in vertebrates, including humans, that are flat and scale-like in shape. Animals and plants have different types of cells that fulfill specific functions related to their structure and function.

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