it is the kenetic energy produced by water molecules rubbing against each other that's also why lightning is hot because of the molecules rubing together and heating up
Electric charge is not kinetic energy. Lightning is Electrostatic charge finding its way back to earth, from where it originally came. The electrical energy is converted to heat in the materials it strikes.
Lightning is caused by static electricity building up in clouds due to the movement of ice and water particles. When there is a large enough difference in electrical charge between the cloud and the ground or between two different clouds, a discharge of electricity occurs in the form of lightning.
Static discharge is causes the spark that is seen when electricity in a thunderhead discharges. The most common name for this type of spark or discharge is lightening.
Lightning is an example of static electricity, which is generated by the build-up and discharge of electrical charges between clouds and the ground.
static electricity
Benjamin Franklin's experiments with lightning and electricity proved that lightning is electricity and that lightning rods can protect buildings from lightning strikes. His kite experiment demonstrated the connection between lightning and electricity.
what causes lightning is that the positive charge of the storm and the negative charge of the ground (or it could be the opposite) interact like a battery and the electricity discharges into the ground lightning can also go up from the cloud into the air but i don't know why that is
The electricity in the clouds.
Lightning doesn't become electricity. Lightning already is electricity.
Static discharge is causes the spark that is seen when electricity in a thunderhead discharges. The most common name for this type of spark or discharge is lightening.
Lightning is a natural discharge of electricity that occurs in the atmosphere when there is an imbalance of electrical charges between clouds and the ground. When the electrical potential difference becomes strong enough, it causes a sudden flow of electricity in the form of a lightning bolt.
Yes, a lightning bolt can provide electricity because a lightning bolt is electricity.
This form of lightning bolt can produce as much as 10 times the amount of a normal lightning bolt which 1 billion volts of electricity. That means that this type of lightning bolt can produce upto 10 billion volts of electricity.
Lightning, touching housegold outlets, touching toasters in inappropriate places.
Lightning is a burst of electricity caused by the discharge of built-up static electricity in the atmosphere. It produces light due to the intense heat generated by the electrical discharge, which causes the surrounding air to glow. So, it is a combination of both electricity and light.
Lightning is a natural phenomenon that is a result of static electricity in the air. The buildup of static charge within clouds causes a discharge of electricity in the form of a lightning bolt, resulting in a visible flash of light and sound.
Lightning is an example of static electricity, which is generated by the build-up and discharge of electrical charges between clouds and the ground.