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Haiti was a conservative (AKA transforming) earthquake, were tow tectonic plates move past each other causing friction, on of them gives rapid shaking is caused making an earth quake.

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Haiti experienced a devastating magnitude 7.0 earthquake on January 12, 2010. This earthquake struck near the capital city of Port-au-Prince, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.

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Q: What type of earthquake hit Haiti?
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What type of natural disaster struck haiti?

a massive earthquake hit haiti.

What was the earthquake in haiti?

what time did the earthquake came and hit Haiti

When was Haiti hit by an earthquake in 2010?

The earthquake hit Haiti on 12 January 2010 at 4:53pm. The duration of the earthquake was believed to be about 35 seconds.

What happend in Haiti?

Type your answer here... there was an earthquake in haiti

What kind of waves hit haiti in the earthquake?

the waves that hit Haiti in the earthquake were as strong as a pair of balls fapping onto a wet vag

What city in Haiti did the earthquake hit the hardest?

their was a lot damage in haiti

What kind of Earthquake hit Haiti?


In What year did the Earthquake hit Haiti?

in 2009

How did people react in the Haiti earthquake?

People reacted with shock and fear in the Haiti earthquake, with widespread panic and devastation. Many were left homeless and without access to basic necessities, leading to a significant humanitarian crisis. Aid organizations and countries around the world mobilized to provide assistance and support to those affected.

Did a tsunami hit after Haiti's earthquake?

Yes, there were reports of a small tsunami hitting the coast of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. However, the damage caused by the tsunami was minimal compared to the devastation from the earthquake.

What happened the haiti earthquake hit?

peopel were killed

Hardest hit area of haiti earthquake?

The hardest hit area of the 2010 Haiti earthquake was the capital city, Port-au-Prince. The earthquake caused widespread destruction in the city, including major damage to buildings and infrastructure, resulting in significant loss of life and displacement of residents.