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A dressing made of large, thick, absorbent, sterile materials is typically referred to as a "surgical dressing." These dressings are commonly used to cover and protect wounds following surgery or major trauma. They are designed to provide a sterile barrier and absorb excess fluids from the wound site.

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Q: What type of dressing is made of large thick absorbent sterile materials?
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What is recommended regarding treatment of open wounds?

Firstly and foremostly, for medical advice you should always see a trained medical practitioner. All wounds are different and all bodies react differently to different kinds of treatments and what works for most people's wounds might not work for yours. That said, when receiving an open one should apply direct pressure to the wound. Preferably, use a bandage, but if none are available use any cloth, then proceed to a hospital or doctor's surgery ASAP. If you're talking about long-term woundcare, you must have sterile bandages and dressings otherwise the wound could very well get infect, dramatically increasing the healing time and exposing you to possibly fatal consequences depending on the severity of the wound and infection. Make sure the person attending the dressing is wearing sterile gloves, has sterile tools such as scissors and tweesers, and most importantly WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE ATTENDING TO THE DRESSING. If it is a large gaping wound, use sterile gauze (preferably wax gauze such as Jelonet brand) to pack the wound. Next, if there is a large amount of exudate (ergo, the wound is leaking fluid) then use a dressing that can soak a large amount. Then firmly wrap the affected area with a bandage. If the wound is on the torso, use tape. That said, it must be made clear that to attend to appropriate wound care one must be shown and trained how to do it. No matter what, you can't do anything more than basic first-aid with the things lying around your home, unless you happen to have a cupboard full of sterile dressings, gloves, equipment and a stock of antibiotics.

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