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Pacific plate is a oceanic plate. Mostly basaltic rock with a sedimentary rock layer on top.

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Q: What type of crust does pacific plate have?
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Name a plate that is entirely made of continental crust?

All major plates contain both continental and oceanic crust except for the Pacific and Nazca plates.

Which tectonic plate is primarily comprised ofseafloor crust?

The tectonic plate primarily comprised of seafloor crust is the Pacific Plate.

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How did the Pacific plate get its name?

The Pacific Plate is named after the Pacific Ocean, as it predominantly underlies the ocean basin. The plate was first identified through mapping and study of seismic activity along the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Hawii sits on what tectonic plate?

Hawaii is located on the pacific oceanic plate.

What plate contains only oceanic crust?

The Pacific Plate is predominantly oceanic crust. It is one of the Earth's largest tectonic plates and is mostly submerged beneath the Pacific Ocean.

What tectonic plate has the largest percentage of oceanic crust?

The Pacific Plate has the largest percentage of oceanic crust compared to continental crust. It is predominantly made up of oceanic crust and accounts for a significant portion of the Earth's surface covered by oceans.

When the pacific plate is sliding under the oceanic crust of japan forming an island area what type of occurrence would this be?

This is called subduction.

What type of boundary is the east pacific ridge?

The East Pacific Rise is a divergent plate boundary where tectonic plates are moving apart. This boundary is associated with seafloor spreading and the creation of new oceanic crust.

What type of crust is found on the nazca plate?

It forms a convergent boundary with the South American Plate, divergent.

Why is Japan a destructive plate margin?

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What body type is the Pacific plate and the Nazca Platew What boundary type is the Pacific plate and the Nazca plate?

The Nazca plate shares both convergent and divergent boundaries. The Pacific plate has both a transform boundary and divergent boundary