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Stratum Corneum

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4w ago

The papillary layer of the skin is made up of loose connective tissue. This type of connective tissue is less dense and contains collagen and elastic fibers that help support the overlying epidermis, as well as blood vessels and nerves.

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Q: What type of connective tissue make up the papillary layer of the skin?
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What organelles are in connective tissue?

The organelles are found in connective tissue are the nucleus, cytoplasm, Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum. These organelles work together to make collagen and connective tissue.

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The papillary layer of the skin is responsible for the formation of fingerprints due to its unique ridges and patterns. These ridges create friction when in contact with surfaces, leading to a better grip. The arrangement of these ridges is what creates the distinct patterns that make up fingerprints.

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The two basic tissues that make up the epidermis are stratified squamous epithelium and connective tissue. The stratified squamous epithelium forms the outermost layer of the epidermis, while the underlying connective tissue provides support and nourishment to the epidermal cells.

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When connective tissue extends as a broad flat layer the tendon is referred to as?

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Which type of protien make connective tissue?

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What is the make up of the matrix in the connective tissue?

The Extracellular Matrix