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Q: What type of climate is 0-30 degrees north and south?
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The climate type found on the west coast of North America and South America between 30 degrees and 40 degrees latitude is what?

The climate type found on the west coast of North America and South America between 30 degrees and 40 degrees latitude is Mediterranean climate. This climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, with a focus on vegetation adapted to these conditions, such as evergreen shrubs and trees.

What type of climate exists in Japan?

The climate varies from tropical in south to cool temperate in north.

List of countries and their type of climate?

Australia - Climate varies from tropical in the north to temperate in the south. Canada - Diverse climate ranging from arctic in the north to temperate in the south. Brazil - Tropical in the north, with more temperate climate in the south. Russia - Mostly subarctic, with some areas experiencing more temperate or arctic climates. Japan - Mostly temperate, with some areas experiencing a humid subtropical climate.

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what type of climate is in central and south america

What type of climate would you find at 0 degrees latitude?

The climate at 0 degrees latitude (the Equator) varies widely depending on altitude, nearness to an ocean, etc.

What type of latitudes have different seasons throughout the year?

Every place on Earth has seasons, even Antarctica. Only the differences in vegetation, weather and climate during the seasons will be most visible in the regions with a so-called 'moderate' climate. That is mostly between 23 and 60 degrees North and South.

Which climate type is not found in North Africa?

I think that you wouldn't find a humid tropical climate type in North Africa.

What are the climates for north America and south America?

there are different type of climate in north America. there are tropical summer, tropical desert, tropical Mediterranean, tropical arid and etc..

What type of climate does Serbia have?

Serbia has continental type of climate in the north ( Vojvodina ) , the capital of Serbia , Belgrade has humid subtropical climate and south Serbia is a subject to Mediterranean climate although big mountains stop a lot of hot air passing trough so it is a bit colder in the winter than average for Mediterranean climate.

What type of line connects the North and South Poles?

You're thinking of the Prime Meridian -- 0 degrees, and the International Date Line -- 180 degrees. Both are lines of longitude.

What is north Americas climates?

North America contains every type of climate zone there is. There is the tropical rainforest climate of Central America on up the arctic tundra of the North Pole.

In which climate does the temperature seldom rise above freezing?

This type of climate is known as a polar climate, characterized by extremely cold temperatures and ice-covered terrain for most of the year. Areas near the North and South Poles experience these conditions.