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Plant cells contain chlorophyll.

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3mo ago

Chloroplasts are the organelles within plant cells that contain chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are responsible for capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis.

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Q: What type of cell contains chlorophil?
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What role do cell play in plant?

one roll a cell plays in a plant is chloroplast is produced by chlorophil and that is what makes photosynthesis happen and that is a cell

What contains stem cell that can produce only their type of cells?


What type of cell only contains one of each chromosome?


Does prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells contains bacteria?

Bacteria is a type of prokaryotic cell

What type of tissue contains cells called neurons?

No. Neurons are an example of a type of tissue.

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In what part of the cell are photosynthesis found?

the chlorophil, or chloroplast cell

What role do cell play in plant?

one roll a cell plays in a plant is chloroplast is produced by chlorophil and that is what makes photosynthesis happen and that is a cell

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A red blood cell is a type of cell that contains no nucleus, and thus does not have a hole.

What cell type is primarily found?

The molecule cell is the main cell found. This cell contains nucleptidees.

How is an animal cell not like a plant cell?

Plant cells have chloroplasts that hold chlorophil and plant cell also have cell walls to help then stand up. Animal cells have niether of those two things.

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Eukaryotic cells

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eukaryotic cell

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The controls the activities of the cell and contains the cell's?

Yes, it does. There is always a Nucleus in any type of cell, be it plant or animal.

Which type of cell contains many cells?

Either phloem or palisade cells

What pigments are necessary chloroplast?
