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Q: What type of bonds present in the triglycerides are broken during the saponification reaction?
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What is the hydrolysis of triglycerides called?

The hydrolysis of triglycerides is called lipolysis. It involves breaking down triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids with the help of lipase enzymes. This process occurs in cells to release energy stored in fats.

What Type of chemical reaction in which a compound is broken into smaller substance?

The type of chemical reaction where a compound is broken down into smaller substances is called a decomposition reaction. In this reaction, a single compound is broken into two or more simpler compounds or elements.

Name that reaction by which a chemical compound is broken down due to reaction with water?

When a compound is broken down by the reaction with water, this is termed hydrolysis.

What breaks apart triglycerides so they can be taken up by the cell?

Triglycerides are broken down by an enzyme called lipase, which hydrolyzes the ester bonds in triglycerides to release fatty acids and glycerol. This breakdown process occurs in the small intestine and is essential for the absorption of fats by the intestinal cells.

What are absorbable forms of triglycerides?

Absorbable forms of triglycerides include medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). MCTs are absorbed more quickly and easily by the body compared to LCTs due to their shorter chain length, making them a popular choice for individuals with malabsorption issues. LCTs are the most common form of dietary triglycerides found in the diet and are broken down into fatty acids and monoglycerides for absorption in the small intestine.

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Triglycerides are a form of fatty acids stored in adipose tissue for energy?

Triglycerides are found in the adipose tissue and when broken down into the form of fatty acids it releases energy. Triglycerides not only stores fats but excess proteins and carbohydrates.

What is the hydrolysis of triglycerides called?

The hydrolysis of triglycerides is called lipolysis. It involves breaking down triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids with the help of lipase enzymes. This process occurs in cells to release energy stored in fats.

What is the present tense of broken?

The present tense of broken is:I/You/We/They break.He/She/It breaks.The present participle is breaking.

Are bonds broken in an endothermic reaction?

In an endothermic reaction, energy is absorbed from the surroundings. Bonds have to be broken in order for new bonds to form, which requires an input of energy. So yes, bonds are broken in an endothermic reaction.

Is broken present tense?


What is the present perfect tense of break?

The present perfect tense of "break" is "has/have broken." For example, "I have broken my phone."

What Type of chemical reaction in which a compound is broken into smaller substance?

The type of chemical reaction where a compound is broken down into smaller substances is called a decomposition reaction. In this reaction, a single compound is broken into two or more simpler compounds or elements.

Name that reaction by which a chemical compound is broken down due to reaction with water?

When a compound is broken down by the reaction with water, this is termed hydrolysis.

What is the present perfect tense of broke?

The present perfect tense of "broke" is "have broken."

What is the main form of energy storage in the body?

The main form of energy storage in the body is as triglycerides stored in adipose tissue. These triglycerides can be broken down into fatty acids and used as a source of energy when needed.

What breaks apart triglycerides so they can be taken up by the cell?

Triglycerides are broken down by an enzyme called lipase, which hydrolyzes the ester bonds in triglycerides to release fatty acids and glycerol. This breakdown process occurs in the small intestine and is essential for the absorption of fats by the intestinal cells.

Function of triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a type of fat that plays a crucial role as an energy source for the body. They are stored in adipose tissue and can be broken down into fatty acids to be used by cells for energy production. In addition, triglycerides also help to insulate and protect organs within the body.