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Q: What type of birds live in the Grasslands?
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What omnivores live in the grasslands?

some types of birds

Do zebras live in savanna?

Yes zebras do live in savannas because zebras live in grasslands and a savannas are a type of grasslands

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What type of habitat does a Quail live in?

They live in open fields, forests, and grasslands.

Do elephants live on grasslands?

they live in grasslands not on grasslands

Do wolverines live in grasslands?

Wolverines are typically found in boreal forests, alpine tundra, and Arctic tundra, rather than grasslands. They prefer cold and snowy habitats with access to deep snow for denning and hunting. Grasslands do not provide the same type of environment that wolverines need to thrive.

What type of animals used to roam the Grasslands?

Animals that used to roam the Grasslands include bison, pronghorn, elk, and various species of birds. These animals have evolved to thrive in the open, grassy expanses of the Grasslands ecosystem.

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Do marmots live in grasslands?

What type of birds live with hippo?

Colorful and pretty birds

What type of places do rabbits live?

Rabbits live in grasslands, forests, woods, fields, meadows, and in captivity

Do weasels live in grasslands?

yes weasels live in grasslands

In what type of environments do jackrabbits live?

North American deserts and grasslands are home to the jackrabbits.