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Q: What type of a living things serve as food either directly or indirectly for all other life in the forest?
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What is the reason water is essential for all living things?

because it has plenty of minerals and vitamins in it

All the carbon in the larger organic compounds found in living systems comes directly or indirectly from what?

All the carbon in larger organic compounds found in living systems comes directly or indirectly from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Through processes like photosynthesis, plants and other autotrophic organisms convert carbon dioxide into organic molecules, which are then transferred to heterotrophic organisms through the food chain.

Is it true All living things depend directly or indeirectly on soil?

Yes, all living things depend directly or indirectly on soil. Soil provides essential nutrients, water, and support for plant growth, which in turn sustains animals and humans that rely on plants for food. Soil also plays a crucial role in nutrient cycling and maintaining biodiversity in ecosystems.

What Do Plant And Animal Kingdom Together Make?

The plant and animal kingdoms together make up the biodiversity of our planet. Plants are primarily producers that convert sunlight into energy, while animals are consumers that rely on plants either directly or indirectly for food. The interactions between plants and animals are vital for maintaining healthy ecosystems and sustaining life on Earth.

Which level of organization is the first to include asitotic factors?

Population level of organization is the first to include abiotic factors, which are non-living components of an ecosystem that can directly or indirectly affect living organisms. Abiotic factors such as temperature, sunlight, soil composition, and water availability play a crucial role in shaping population dynamics within an ecosystem.

Related questions

Who needs sunlight?

Every living thing, either directly or indirectly.

Do all animals process food?

One of the defining characteristics that distinguishes animals from plants is that all animals feed either directly or indirectly on other living things.

How can you explain how living things can get energy from the sun directly and indirectly?

Living things can get energy from the sun directly through photosynthesis, where plants and some microorganisms convert sunlight into chemical energy. Indirectly, organisms can obtain sun-derived energy by consuming other organisms that have stored this energy through the food chain. This energy transfer sustains all life on Earth.

Do petrol get energy from the sun?

The theory is that petrol is the result of decaying living beings; assuming this is so, the answer is yes: all living beings get their energy (directly or indirectly) from the Sun.

How is sun a source of energy?

That means that we - planet Earth, and all living beings on Earth - get most of our energy, directly or indirectly, from the Sun.

What needs energy from the sun to survive?

A phototroph. Directly plants, lichen and algae. Indirectly, almost every living thing requires the sun's energy (herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat herbivores). PLANTS,ANIMALS,and HUMANS. The only known living creatures that do not rely directly or indirectly on the energy of the sun are the chemotrophs at the bottom of the ocean.

What is the reason water is essential for all living things?

because it has plenty of minerals and vitamins in it

How does the sun supply living things with energy they need?

The sun emits light and heat energy through a process called nuclear fusion. Plants use sunlight during photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a form of chemical energy. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as animals consume plants or other animals.

Any living factor in the environment is a what factor?

Any living factor in the environment is a biotic factor. Biotic factors include plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and other living organisms that directly or indirectly affect the environment.

What directly or indirectly supplies the energy of living things?

Sunlight and, at the Ocean bottom at heat vents, hydrogen sulfide are both use as sources on bio-energy.

All the carbon in the larger organic compounds found in living systems comes directly or indirectly from what?

All the carbon in larger organic compounds found in living systems comes directly or indirectly from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Through processes like photosynthesis, plants and other autotrophic organisms convert carbon dioxide into organic molecules, which are then transferred to heterotrophic organisms through the food chain.

How do living things get energy indirectly?

Living things obtain energy indirectly through consuming other organisms or their byproducts. This process involves the transfer of energy through the food chain. Organisms at each trophic level consume those below them to obtain energy, allowing energy to flow throughout ecosystems.