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Q: What type of Body Cavity do Freshwater Mussel?
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How do you spell a musselle in the sea?

The correct spelling is "mussel." A mussel is a type of bivalve mollusk found in both freshwater and saltwater environments.

What type of body cavity does a jellyfish have?

Pisces or fish have true internal body cavity.

What are the homophones for the movements of the body and to make jokes?

The homophones for "muscle" (movement of the body) and "mussel" (type of shellfish) are "muscle," and "mussel." For "humorous" (to make jokes) and "humorous" (full of humor) the homophone is "humorous."

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Is the type of body cavity shared by all mollusks is a pseudocelom?

The type of body cavity shared by all mollusks is pseudocoelom is a false statement. The correct answer is coelom.

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A clam has a coelom, which is a fluid-filled body cavity. This cavity provides space for internal organs to develop and function properly.

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Why does my freshwater aquarium have red foam?

besause they have a type of body skin

What type of body cavity does a grasshopper have?

Grasshoppers only have one body cavity, that being their mouth. They use their mandibles to pull food apart so they can eat.

Is a mussel a fish or a amphibian?

neither, a mussel is a bivalve, which is a type of mollusk, and all mollusks are invertibrates.

What are mussles?

Mussels are bivalve mollusks that live in freshwater and saltwater habitats. They have a hard shell that is often dark blue or black, with a soft body inside. Mussels are filter feeders, using their shells to trap and obtain food particles from the water.

What type of waste does not enter the body's circulatory system?

The undigested waste products does not enter your body cavity. That is called as faecal matter. Scientifically speaking the food you eat is not "Inside" your body cavity. It is always "Outside" the body cavity. You go for extracellular type of digestion. I found it very difficult to teach the same in my dental college class.