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the cell wall is not composed of bacteri it is composed of cellulouse

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2mo ago

Bacteria with a cell wall composed of peptidoglycan are referred to as Gram-positive bacteria. These bacteria retain the crystal violet dye in the Gram staining process, giving them a purple color under a microscope. Examples include Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species.

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Q: What type bacteris that have a cell wall composed?
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What type of cell has a cell wall composed of cellulose?

animal cell

Which type of cell has no cell wall and which type of cell does?

Animal cells and some protists e.g., amoeba, have no cell wall. Plant and fungal cells have walls. In plants the wall is composed of cellulose while fungal cells have cell walls composed of chitin.

What is cellouse cell wall?

Cell wall made out of cellulose is the cell wall of a plant. A fungi has a cell wall composed of chitin and a bacteria has a cell wall composed of glycoprotein.

Do mold cells have a cell wall?

Yes, mold cells have a cell wall. The cell wall is composed of chitin, a type of polysaccharide, which gives structure and protection to the mold cell.

What organelle is composed of cellulose?

Cell wall is the organelle composed of cellulose in plant cells.

Which of these has a cell wall composed of chitlin?

Chitin is commonly found in fungi cell walls.

What in fungi is composed of chitin?

Cell wall .

What cell wall is composed of chitin?


What is the nonliving material that makes up the cell wall?

The composition of cell walls varies significantly between species and may depend on cell type and developmental stage:Land plants, the primary cell wall is composed of the polysaccharides cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. Often, other polymers such as lignin, suberin or cutin are anchored to or embedded in plant cell walls.Algae, the cell wall is made of glycoproteins and polysaccharides such as carrageenan and agar that are absent from land plants.Bacteria, the cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan.Archaea, the cell wall has various compositions, and may be formed of glycoprotein S-layers, pseudopeptidoglycan, or polysaccharides.Fungi, the cell wall is made of the glucosamine polymer chitin.Diatoms, unusually have a cell wall composed of biogenic silica.

Does eubacteria have a cell wall or not?

Yes, eubacteria have a cell wall. The cell wall in eubacteria is composed of peptidoglycan, a unique molecule that provides structural support and protection to the cell.

What cell wall composed of?

The cell wall is made up chiefly of cellulose, is relatively rigid, and provides support for the cell.

What are cell membranes and cell wall composed of?

Cell membranes are composed primarily of phospholipids and proteins, while cell walls are composed of cellulose in plants, chitin in fungi, and peptidoglycan in bacteria. Both structures provide support and protection for the cell.