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Q: What two things can cause enzymes to malfunction?
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What two things cause enzymes to malfunction?

Enzymes can malfunction due to changes in pH levels, which can alter their active site structure and affect their ability to catalyze reactions. Additionally, excessive heat can denature enzymes by disrupting their tertiary structure, rendering them nonfunctional.

What are two things that can affect the enzymes shape?

Salt concentration and the pH! also the temperature and activations and inhibitors affect an enzymes actions

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they can cause your system to malfunction or it may make your system erase all or your data

What two things can cause a population to decrease?

A low birth rate and environmental hazards are two things that can cause a population to decrease.

What two things cause a population to decrease?

A low Birth Rate and environmental hazards are two things that can cause a population to decrease.

What two things can cause error in science?

The question is too ambiguous to answer. You may as well ask "what two things can cause error in geography"?

What are two environmental conditions that can cause enzymes to change there shape?

Extreme temperatures and pH levels can cause enzymes to change their shape, leading to denaturation and loss of function. Additionally, high salinity levels can also disrupt the structure of enzymes, affecting their activity.

What two things cause seasons?

because sun

What two things cause the seasons to change on earth?

There are two things that cause it which are the earths orbit and thetilt of the earths axis.

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There are several things that cause rainfall fluctuations. Two things that will cause rainfall to vary is the location and temperature.

What two things cause the viscosity of magma?

Silica and pressure

What two things cause changes in matter?

heat and pressure