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Q: What two substances for from an acid base nuturalization?
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What two substances form form an acid base neutralization?

acid and alkaline

What two substances form from an base neutralization?

acid and alkaline

What two substances form from an acid-based neutralization?

A salt and water form from an acid-base neutralization.

What two substances would be produced from a strong acid and strong base combined?

The products of this reaction are a salt and water.

What two substances form an acid base?

acid and alkaline

When neutralization occurs what two substances are formed?

When neutralization occurs, an acid and a base react to form a salt and water.

What two substances form from an acid -base neutralization?

In a typical acid-base neutralization reaction, water and a salt are formed. Water is always produced in neutralization reactions, while the specific salt formed depends on the reactants involved.

Does acid have a base?

Acid and base are two types of compounds that react with each other to form water and a salt in a chemical reaction called neutralization. Acids are substances that donate hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution, while bases are substances that accept hydrogen ions. In a neutralization reaction, the acid reacts with the base to form water and a salt.

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What are the two substances that may be formed in anaerobic respiration?

The two substances that may be formed in anaerobic respiration are lactic acid and ethanol. Lactic acid is produced in the muscles during strenuous exercise, while ethanol is produced by yeast during fermentation.

What are two substances that can be mixed to neutralized each other?

Acid and base can be mixed to neutralize each other as they react and form water and a salt, which results in a neutral solution. Another example is mixing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) with vinegar (acetic acid), which produces carbon dioxide gas and water, leading to neutralization.

Do acid and base describe the same thing?

Acid and base are two different types of substances. Acids release hydrogen ions in solution, while bases release hydroxide ions or accept hydrogen ions. They have opposite properties and reactions, with acids typically being sour and bases being bitter or slippery.