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DNA and Protein

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Q: What two structures make up a single replicated chromosome?
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What is chromatid?

A chromatid is one half of a duplicated chromosome, joined together by a centromere. Each chromatid contains identical genetic material and is essential for proper chromosome segregation during cell division.

How many DNAmolecules make up each original chromosome?

A chromosome is formed from a single DNA molecule.

What is the difference between a chromatid and a centromere?

The centromere is the region of the chromosome that holds the two sister chromatids together during mitosis. The chromatid is one of the two strands of chromosomes that become visible during mitosis or meiosis.

Why does having only a single X chromosome make a person of necessity female?

Individuals with only one X chromosome (Turner syndrome) typically develop female characteristics because the presence of the X chromosome is required for the development of many female traits. A single X chromosome carries genes that play a key role in the development of female reproductive structures and secondary sexual characteristics, leading to a predominantly female phenotype.

What structures make up chromosomes?

Chromosomes are composed of DNA molecules tightly wound around proteins called histones. This DNA-protein complex is further condensed into chromatin fibers, which then coil and condense to form the recognizable X-shaped structures we see during cell division. Each chromosome contains a single linear DNA molecule that contains the genetic information of the organism.

Two of these make a chromosome?

Two chromatids connected at the centromere make up one chromosome.

How many chromatids have one chromosome?

One chromosome consists of two chromatids connected by a centromere.

do genes make chromosome?


What is the relationship between the y chromosome and alcohloism?

y chromosome is the chromosome that makes males, alcoholism has nothing to do with it unless you make the choice to drink

What is the difference between a chromosome and a DNA molecule?

A chromosome is a condensed structure of DNA and proteins found in the nucleus of a cell, while a DNA molecule is a long, linear molecule that carries genetic information in the form of genes. Chromosomes contain multiple genes and are visible under a microscope, while DNA molecules are individual strands that make up chromosomes.

Describe the chromatids that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to divide.?

Describe the chromatic that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to split

What is a complete list of nucleotide sequence in a individuals chromosome?

It is not possible to provide a complete list of nucleotide sequences on an individual's chromosome in a single answer, as each chromosome contains millions of nucleotides. The human genome has over 3 billion base pairs, which make up the DNA on 23 pairs of chromosomes. The sequence can vary between individuals due to genetic variations.