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Mass over Volume+Density, so mass and volume.

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Q: What two physical properties of matter affect density?
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What are the observable physical properties of matter?

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What are the two physical properties of matter?

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies a space. Matter has 2 properties physical properties and chemical properties. And 2 physical properties include mass and shape (solid, liquid and gas).Other physical properties of molecular matter include:VolumeColorOdorLusterHardnessMelting PointFreezing PointBoiling PointDensityMalleabilityDuctilityConductivity

What do physical properties means?

Physical properties of matter can be observed and tested. They include properties such as color, length, volume, odor, and density.

All matter has a particular set of characteristics known as?

properties. These properties include mass, volume, density, and physical and chemical properties that help identify and distinguish different types of matter.

Are changes in the state of matter are physical chemical or neither?

Changes in the state of matter are physical because they involve a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as its shape, volume, or density, without altering its chemical composition. Examples include melting, freezing, evaporation, and condensation.

What property is the state of matter?

Density and state of matter are physical properties, its not chemical =p.

Does all matter have physical properties?

Yes, all matter has physical properties that can be observed and measured. Physical properties include characteristics such as color, density, conductivity, and melting point, which help us identify and classify different types of matter.

What are physical properties of matter?

The physical properties of matter is something that can be observed or measured without changing the chemical properties. ex: color, odor, boiling point, melting point, density, hardness, etc.

Are properties of matter physical?

The physical properties of matter is something that can be observed or measured without changing the chemical properties. ex: color, odor, boiling point, melting point, density, hardness, etc.

What are the different physical and chemical of matter?

Chemical Properties Taste, Smell, Reactivity, Solubility. Physical Properties: Color, Texture, Mass Density, Touch ,Size, Smell, Volume

How can you classify matter by it's physical properties?

Matter can be classified by its physical properties such as color, shape, size, density, texture, and solubility. These properties can help differentiate between different substances and make it easier to identify and categorize matter.

What are some Phisical Properties of Matter?

A physical property refers to a measurable value that describes a state of a physical system. Some examples of physical properties of matter are color, odor, density, solubility and polarity.