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Yes. Electrolysis" literally means to break something apart (in this case water) using electricity. u like poo

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13y ago
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10y ago

I already cant but if u can guys just answer plz I think its near to be ionic compound

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Q: What two compounds can be decomposed by electrolysis?
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Can all compounds be decomposed by heating?

No, not all compounds can be decomposed by heating. Some compounds may undergo other chemical reactions, such as combustion or decomposition by other means, rather than simply breaking down into simpler substances when heated.

What does NaCl decompose?

Sodium chloride is decomposed by electrolysis.

Why can't compounds be decomposed into elements in a chemical reaction?

They can be! Compounds can certainly be decomposed into individual elements in a chemical reaction.

What elements are being decomposed in the water during electrolysis?

None are. The elements are not decomposed: the water is. The elements released by the reaction are hydrogen and oxygen.

What can electrolysis be used to do?

Electrolysis can be used to decompose chemical compounds.

Name given to solution which decompose when electricity is passed through them?

Electrolysis is the process by which ionic substances are decomposed (broken down) into simpler substances when an electric current is passed through them.

What is a characteristic of all compounds?

compounds can be decomposed by physical means.

Why do not compounds undergo electrolysis?

Compounds do not undergo electrolysis because electrolysis is the process of using an electric current to decompose a compound into its constituent elements. Compounds are already in a stable form, so they do not break down into their component elements without an external source of energy, such as an electric current.

How can compounds be separated into smaller particles?

Compounds can be decomposed by chemical reactions.

What is decomposition of salt?

Sodium chloride is decomposed only by electrolysis of water solutions or melted NaCl.

What statement best describes all compounds?

Compounds can be decomposed by physical means.

Clearly state the definition of electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a chemical process where an electrolyte is chemically decomposed into its consituents by passing an direct electric current through it inside an electric cell.