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Auditory tube
The auditory tube which used to be called the Eustacean tube.

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1mo ago

The Eustachian tube is responsible for equalizing pressure in the middle ear when changing elevation, such as during changes in altitude or diving. Its role is to allow air to flow in and out of the middle ear, preventing discomfort or damage to the ear drum.

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Q: What tube is responsible for the equalization of pressure when you change elevation?
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What tubes is responsible for Equalization of pressure when you change elevation?

Auditory tubeThe auditory tube which used to be called the Eustacean tube.

How does the atmosphere change or stay the same with elevation?

The actual atmosphere itself does not change with elevation, but the atmospheric pressure does.

How does pressure change when you increase elevation?

Pressure drops as you go up.

What determines the amount of pressure in a fluid?

change in elevation and change in density

How does the pressure change from Death Valley to the mountaintops?

the air pressure changes based on elevation

What must change for air pressure to change?

Your elevation above sea level or the weather passing over you.

Why can an aneroid barometer measure elevation as well as air pressure?

An aneroid barometer measures air pressure using a flexible metal chamber that expands or contracts based on changes in air pressure. As elevation increases, the air pressure decreases, causing the metal chamber to expand. By calibrating the device, the change in chamber size can be used to estimate the change in elevation.

Why does fluid Pressure change with the elevation and depth?

At a greater depth, the weight of all the liquid (or gas) above adds to the pressure.

Why does elevation affect pressure?

The higher the elevation the lower the pressure.The lower the elevation the higher the pressure.The change can be expressesd by the formula:p = 101325 (1 - 2.25577 10-5 h)5.25588wherep = air pressure (Pa)h = altitude above sea level (m)

What is the change of elevation from the base of the mountain to the top?

The change in elevation from the base of the mountain to the top is known as the mountain's elevation gain. It is calculated by subtracting the base elevation from the summit elevation.

Why does pressure change change with elevation and depth?

Pressure changes with elevation because as you go higher in altitude, there is less air above you exerting pressure downward. Pressure changes with depth because the weight of water or other fluids above you increases as you go deeper, creating higher pressure.

Can a change in elevation cause joint pain?

Yes, a change in elevation can cause joint pain.