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The pollen tube carries the male gametes (sperm) from the pollen grain to the egg cell in the ovule. Once the pollen tube reaches the ovule, the sperm fertilizes the egg cell, resulting in the formation of a seed.

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Q: What travels down the pollen tube and fertilizes?
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What transfer pollen from stamen to ovules?

A pollen tube grows from the pollen grain down through the style. The pollen tube enters the ovary and reaches an olvule. The sperm then travels down the pollen tube and fertilizes the egg in the ovule. So a pollen tube.

How seed are produced?

1 Once the pollen has landed on the sticky stigma of a pistil, a pollen tube starts to grow.2 The pollen tube grows from the pollen grain down the style.It grows into the ovary until it reaches the ovules.3 The sperm travels down the pollen tube and fertilizes the egg.

The pollen tube fertilizes the?


After pollen grows a tube down the style?

Pollen grows a tube that travels down to the flowers ovary. From there, the nucleus of the pollen grains passes through the pollen tube to join the nucleus of the ovule to fertilize.

What is the purpose of the style?

it is the tube that the pollen travels down to the ovarys

A pollen grain forms a tube leading to the flower's what?

Pollen grows a tube that travels down to the flowers ovary. From there, the nucleus of the pollen grains passes through the pollen tube to join the nucleus of the ovule to fertilize.

What travels down the pollen tube to fertilize the pistil?

The male gametes (sperm cells) travel down the pollen tube to fertilize the female gametes (egg cells) located in the pistil. This process is essential for sexual reproduction in plants.

How does pollen that fertilizes the egg reach the ovule?

Pollen travels from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower through various methods, such as wind, water, or animal pollinators. Once the pollen reaches the stigma, it grows a tube that extends down through the style of the flower and delivers the sperm to the ovule for fertilization.

What is the pollen grain that sends tube down pistil and unites with the ovule?

The pollen grain that sends a tube down the pistil and unites with the ovule is called a sperm cell. This process is known as fertilization and it leads to the formation of a seed. The sperm cell from the pollen grain fertilizes the egg cell within the ovule, initiating seed development.

How pollen tube grows down the style?

how pollen tube grows down through the style

What happens when two pollen grains land on the same stigma and after the first grain fertilises the ovule?

When a pollen grain lands on stigma, pollination occurs. The pollen grain germinates and the pollen tube grows through the style. The sperm nucleus travels through the tube (generated by the tube nucleus) and fuses with an ovule which then develops into an embryo (or zygote)

How pollen tube grows down through style?

how pollen tube grows down through the style