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Q: What transmits the message to the next neuron?
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What is the correct route a message takes within a neuron?

A message within a neuron travels from the dendrites to the cell body (soma), then down the axon, and finally to the axon terminals where it is passed on to the next neuron through neurotransmitters.

The part of the neuron that decided if the message will travel to the next neuron or not is the what?

The part of the neuron that decides whether to send a message to the next neuron is the axon hillock. It acts as a gatekeeper by integrating incoming signals from other neurons and generating an action potential if the combined signals are strong enough to reach the threshold.

A neuron transmits a nerve impulse as a wave of?

A neuron transmits a nerve impulse as a wave of electrical activity called an action potential. This action potential travels along the length of the neuron's axon and triggers the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse, allowing communication between neurons.

Which is the last part of the neuron to be involved in the transmission of a neural impulse towards the next neuron?

The axon terminal is the last part of the neuron to be involved in the transmission of a neural impulse towards the next neuron. This is where neurotransmitters are released to carry the signal across the synaptic gap to the dendrites of the receiving neuron.

What are the parts of the neuron that the messages travels through?

The messages travel through the dendrites, cell body, axon, and axon terminals of a neuron. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons, the cell body processes these signals, the axon transmits signals away from the cell body, and axon terminals release neurotransmitters to communicate with other neurons.

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How does a message travel through a single neuron?

When a message gets sent to a neuron from the dendrite it goes through the cell body to the tip of the dendrite where it leaps to the next dendrite.

How does a message travel from one neuron to the next?

It travels from the brain to the Spinal Cord.

A motor neuron transmits signals to?

Muscle fibers

What is a neuron that transmits a nerve impulse toward the central nervous system is called what?

A sensory neuron transmits a nerve impulse towards the central nervous system. These nerve cells activated by input, transmits sensory information.

What is the correct route a message takes within a neuron?

A message within a neuron travels from the dendrites to the cell body (soma), then down the axon, and finally to the axon terminals where it is passed on to the next neuron through neurotransmitters.

What is the nerve fiber that extends from a neuron and transmits electical impulses from that neuron to the dendrites of other neurons?

The axon

In what order does a message travel through the neuron?

A message travels through a neuron in the following order: dendrites receive the signal, the signal is passed through the cell body (soma), travels down the axon, and finally reaches the synaptic terminals where it is transmitted to the next neuron.

The part of the neuron that decided if the message will travel to the next neuron or not is the what?

The part of the neuron that decides whether to send a message to the next neuron is the axon hillock. It acts as a gatekeeper by integrating incoming signals from other neurons and generating an action potential if the combined signals are strong enough to reach the threshold.

What is the term for the neuron that transmits sensory information into the nervous system?


What is the name of a neuron that transmits a neural impulse from the central nervous system through the spinal cord to a muscle?

The neuron that transmits a signal from the nervous system to an effector is a motor neuron.

Which part of the neuron transmits information to other cells?

The end of one neuron, the presynaptic button, sends messages to other cells by releasing neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) into the synaptic cleft (a small space between two neurons). The other cell, whether it be a neuron, a muscle, a sweat gland, etc., will receive this message at the post synaptic membrane of its cell, and will respond accordingly.