All you have to know is who Galileo Galilei is. He is a man from thousands of years ago who studied space. I really don't know. I'm in 5 grade and this is what we are learning. Well, yo momma will tell ya
Yes, a large telescope is needed to see a faint star.
The size of telesope can be estimated by using the relationship that ten times the diameter of the object lens or mirror increases the brightness of the image by 5 magnitudes.
The unaided eye with a 3/8" aperture can see 6th magnitude (as a theoretical limit), therefore an aperture of 3.75" can see 11th magnitude while a 37.5" aperture can see 16th magnitude stars.
A microscope is the best tool for a student to use to observe mitosis in an onion root tip.
Constellations are used as a way of mapping surrounding space so that's its easier for us to find certain planets/stars alot easier. Also in history these constellations have being used for Astrology which is suposerly a way of reading ones future, hope this helps
light mircoscope. you little study island fiend.
The modern constellation system used in the Northern Hemisphere was developed by Johann Bayer in his star atlas "Uranometria" published in 1603. This system divided the celestial sphere into 88 official constellations, many of which are still in use today.
it is called an star chart
A telescope.
Celestial constellations have religious and cultural significance. They also can be used as navigational tools by orientating star maps at certain times of night to match up. Many uses.
A magnifying glass is a small tool used to observe small objects by increasing their apparent size. It is commonly used for tasks such as examining details on coins, rocks, or insects.
They are fascinating. Our ancestors used constellations to determine when to hunt, when to plant, when to harvest, when the rains were coming, when it would be dry - the skies gave them a tool that helped them survive.
A microscope or a magnifying glass to start.
A simple periscope is a tool made from two mirrors which can be used to observe objects that are not directly in your line of sight.
a stars chat
You can see the constellations in Rune Factory Frontier by looking up at the night sky during the evening hours. The constellations will appear overhead as you explore the towns or fields. You can also observe them from your farm at night.
A microscope is the best tool for a student to use to observe mitosis in an onion root tip.
The study of constellations is called astronomy. Astronomers observe, classify, and study the patterns of stars in the night sky to understand their positions, movements, and relationships with one another. Constellations are important for navigation, cultural significance, and scientific research in astronomy.