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When a hurricane is coming you will usually have several days warning, which will give you plenty of time to either evacuate or gather emergency supplies to ride out the storm. Even as the hurricane hits, conditions will gradually worsen over the course of several hours rather than there being a sudden impact as there is with a tornado. In this case you should be inside a well-built house or building. If your house is in a low-lying area near the coast, evacuate for shelter on higher ground.

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Q: What to do if you're outside and a hurricane hits?
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What should you do while your outside when a hurricane hits?

If a hurricane hits while you are outside, seek shelter immediately in a sturdy building or a designated hurricane shelter. Avoid seeking shelter under trees, near buildings with loose debris, or low-lying areas that are prone to flooding. Stay away from power lines and other hazardous objects, and listen to local authorities for safety instructions.

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When the eye of a hurricane moves over land, it is called landfall.

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if youre in a bomb shelter and not outside yes

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